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This is sooo nice man :o

Anyway, bugs I have found/things I want lol

-When you click a name on it doesn't work 

-Home page breaks when I push the window to one side

-I don't know if this is a glitch but it looks odd (maybe set a character limit?)
-Also, is it possible to make so if you click our steam names, it goes to the steam page? Maybe the same with xfire? I dunno, it'd be nice :P

-Add teamspeak here so there's not an empty space and people can see who's in there :D

-In posts, maybe hide the profile on the left and when you hover over it, it expands to not waste space?
-Add different main colours on the theme so you can change it like red or blue for people who don't like purple, unless that is impossible/too hard/time-costing.

-Give the smilies a background for their box

-On some pages the rep positioning is weird.. example-


OMG AND THANK YOU SO MUCH, finally when I do shoutbox fullscreen it doesn't pop up with that stupid box about settings<333


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I believe the server page is still a WIP and will show a live feed of the server instead of GT.


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Thanks for all that, All valid changes have been made :)


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Thanks for all that, All valid changes have been made :)



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