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GFX Forum Section?

Add a GFX forum section?   5 members have voted

  1. 1. Add a GFX forum section?

    • Yes, add a GFX forum section
    • No, don't add a GFX forum section

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Have you ever wanted a cool looking signature and avatar?


Well an idea came up to head about having a GFX section in the forums were all members that create their own GFX or want GFX, they can browse that section.


I got this idea from


  (Styx Gaming)

(A GFX forum section, inside the GFX section: request area, display area, and a learning area)


You might be wondering, why do we need a GFX section if no one makes GFX?

Well i am sure there are people that make GFX (including me) and some people that would request a signature and avatar.


Not only that, some might wanna learn how to make these and we can teach them.


Request area: Everyone can request GFX (avatars, logos, signatures, banners, etc.)  

Type of Art (sig,logo,wallpaper...): 

GFX Member: (who you want to make the artwork, if it doesn't matter just fill in 'anyone')
Text: (what text you want to be on your artwork)

Other: (any other addition you want to add, some special effect or text effect maybe)


Display area: Everyone can show us/display their artwork


Learning area: People that make GFX can teach others a ton of stuff. Not only GFX but how to use Photoshop.


Overall, I think it's a great idea having a GFX forum section


I make GFX and learn from different styles of sigs, avatars, etc. 


I will make a topic poll and see what everyone thinks. Hopefully this gets considered.


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Technically we already have a sub forum for this called "Media"

But wouldn't it be better if we have a specific section? 


All the GFX stuff can be found there instead of searching in media section


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How many people do GFX here?


I did a little bit of manipulation with Photoshop, but now it's quite boring. Sometimes I do make signatures for fun.


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I used to do some signatures n shit, but when i was in styx those guys REALLY were good at GFX, like they had a full team of people just for GFX. Raid doesn't really have that, we only have a couple of people who fuck around in photoshop but not really good enough for people to request something.


It is a nice idea, maybe just a GFX showcase would be better, as there aren't enough GFX people for requests etc.


Saying that, the resource and learning sections in the gfx would be useful! 


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Seeing at the poll's votes, looks like the ''No, don't add a GFX forum section'' won.


Thanks for voting - Locked.


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