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Re Re Application (Cloudy)

16 posts in this topic

Admin applications:


Do you accept the requirements?: Yes


What is your real name?: Matthew


What is your in-game name?: Cloudy


How old are you?: 15


What is your primary server?: Deathrun (Sometimes can be on Promod)


What is your B3 CID?: @30


What is your Xfire?: cloudy197


What is your Steam?: ipswich2 (second account is: cloudy1972)


What makes you a good admin?: Like I've said in applications prior to this one, I've had a bucket load of experiences with being an admin, which has allowed me to become mature and respectful. And has also allowed me to be weary of the rules, and abide by them. I also spend time on the servers day in and out, little less recently but still on everyday regardless. Another thing which could potentially make me a good admin, is that I already have the technical know-how of B3, and have used it countless times with admin power, not requiring me to go into any rookie mistakes which could potentially be made by someone without B3 knowledge (Not saying it's hard to learn, but people could have a few mistakes as I did)


What skills do you have?: I don't have very many skills regarding the technical part of CoD4 such as Scripting/Pugins/Code, but I do have a little knowledge of IPB, however pretty sure you wouldn't need my help as you have a new Website Developer (AoKMiKeY) But besides the point, I do have a little knowledge in that specific area. However I do know some of the basics of code, but not all that well.


What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I've been at a few communities in my day (lol) which are; Blur, TwS, JoKe, Quantum, Vistic, and Raid. Probably been at a few others which I've forgotten, apologies if so.


Why should we choose you?: I'm mature, and know how to be an admin as I have done before. I'm not one to start arguments but can be involved which is a con in accepting me, but I always act in a mature fashioned manor, and keep my anger (which usually isn't there) inside. I also know pretty much all of the admins and community members in this community, not saying that nobody dislikes me, but I'm sure that there's people that do dislike me, but I will remain calm and act in an a responsible, and mature way. I also do have a sense of humour, which I can get carried away in sometimes which can result in a slight rule break of rule1, but never do so on purpose and mostly it's a reaction, however I'm starting to grow out of that now and rarely carry on arguments. As known by most people, I am rarely on Teamspeak as I feel awkward speaking in-front of my parents to you lot, not a personal reason it's just how I am :L. I can also offer help 24/7 to anybody which needs it via Server/Forums/Xfire/Skype/Steam! I enjoy helping people which is one of the main reasons why I'd like to become admin, and hopefully you wont judge me for the communities which I'm at, and I would never leak anything to any one of those communities.


Thanks for reading! Was probably one of my better applications. Any constructive criticism is always appreciated!


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Fixed the messed up text


Your application is now available to be voted on 


Good luck


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good luck scrub, deserved admin again :dave: even if he is a bitta nub in the servers sometimes :troll:


Yes from me, even though it means nothing.


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Decided to stop my application


Would rather not state the reason why at this point in time


Will update the reason(s) why in the near future


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Gracias for applying


Feel free to do once more in the future if you wish


Good luck in life and your cod4 career 


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