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Compiling Reflections error

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Whilst trying to compile the reflections on my map it says this;




Thanks for the help


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You can't do that while compiling it's an error in a file somewhere, I just don't know which file and what to do with it


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Well, you could go into the console.log and copy line and find it, if you use a mac it will be able to point particular line of code to it's file. then try and fix that line up or remove then test again if you get a new error repeat until fixed.


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These two have no idea what they're talking about. Basically you've compiled the deathrun mod and it has overwrite the stock scripts that the compile reflections read when it starts up. 


Go here -


Download the files and move all gsc scripts over and replace everything to fix it.


You'll have to do this everytime to compile a mod that overwrites the stock GSC.


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These two have no idea what they're talking about. Basically you've compiled the deathrun mod and it has overwrite the stock scripts that the compile reflections read when it starts up. 


Go here -


Download the files and move all gsc scripts over and replace everything to fix it.


You'll have to do this everytime to compile a mod that overwrites the stock GSC.

Aha, it works for me with deathrun source if i mess up a script or something but you know best just learning this shit it's only been like a month for me.


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Thanks a bunch lossy! It worked c:


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