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LeCookie's Reapplying

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Admin applications: 


Do you accept the requirements?: Yes.

What is your real name?: Abda Djambekov

What is your in-game name?: LeCookie

How old are you?: 15

What is your primary server?: If primary is meant as my first server then boss it is.

What is your B3 CID?: 60706

What is your Xfire?: abda.djambekov, but i don't think it matters since xfire is going down.

What is your Steam?: abdadjambekov

What makes you a good admin?: I believe what makes me a good admin is that i have good experience about supporting and stuff, And i can communicate with people due to knowing more than 1 language, And i'm very active specially on my main server which is raid, i spend at least 6 hours a day on raid, I can be friendly and patient.

What skills do you have?: Depends on what kind of skills, If it's in-game it's not bad, If it's in supporting it's pretty good since i can communicate and explain very well, And if it's about mapping i can learn about it fast enough.

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: boss clan only.

Why should we choose you?:Since this question has the same meaning as 'What makes you a good admin' i'm gonna answer the same, I believe what makes me a good admin is that i have good experience about supporting and stuff, And i can communicate with people due to knowing more than 1 language, And i'm very active specially on my main server which is raid, i spend at least 6 hours a day on raid, I can be friendly and patient.


Reapplying after improving my attitude, Hope it works out.


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Gracias for the application


However, two days isn't enough for someone to completely fix their attitude


Along with that, you didn't get an exception 


From watching chat logs, your behavior has improved slightly, but maturity still needs to be improved upon in multiple situations


Keep fixing your attitude and I'll personally inform you when you're capable of receiving an exception


Unfortunately, that time isn't now


You may reapply once I (Or another lead admin or higher for that matter) gives you one


If you have any questions or concerns, please PM a lead admin or higher


Application denied


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