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NeXus .

Might as well

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Admin applications: Shrek


Do you accept the requirements?: yasss

What is your real name?: Luke Brown 

What is your in-game name?: [Raid]Shrek or Shrek


How old are you?: 21


What is your primary server?: Deathrun and being a forum nub

What is your B3 CID?: @28330

What is your Xfire?: shrekstar2011

What is your Steam?: Shrek 

What makes you a good admin?: I would like to be admin on raid because i like helping people enjoy their selves, on raid or in-general and give them any insiders of the history of this great community, I know i havn't been around from the start but aleast i know a thing or two.


For the record, I see a lot of people apply to "Show off" their "English skills" by doing this i don't believe that as important as some may think.


I think that i should be an admin because I know how to do it and I have done it before.


What I have also seen is that some people get ask their age an they reply as an example "I'm only 12 but i am super mature" i 100% disagree with this, as it just makes you sound like a brat that he/she is advanced. I recon the best way is to be modest and let them decide your maturity by the way you act. If your 12, you are 12, if your 17, you are 17 and it does help by saying you date of birth. 


I am fair going and will always forgive the mistakes of others and won't judge someone for any explicit reason, I respect rules/players 24/7 and will never be disrespectful.


What skills do you have?: I know how to manage people and i can set an example for people to follow after i also know a few code languages including python, c++ and java. I have grown up with CoD4 and seen it develop over the time and know a lot about if this helps

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: EHD, Nova and oP

Why should we choose you?: I respect everyone even if they don't respect me I try and be the bigger man I will help raid grow even more and dedicated a lot of my life help the people of raid I will always respect rules/players.


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Good luck mate.


One of the better applications I've read

Cheers! thanks for the feedback aswell.



Good luck!





Shrek is love, Shrek is life. Good luck nub! :)

Wise words from a wise man! and thank you.


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Good Luck Shrek!   ;)

Cheers! and contrats on your trail admin and best wishes from me!


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Gracias for your application


Unfortunately, you don't meet all the necessary requirements


As well as connections, you don't have the forty hours needed on the servers (All added together, you have about ten)


Application denied


You may apply once again when you meet all the requirements 


My apologies for not checking sooner


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