
Identifying a certain player's death which has a variable

9 posts in this topic

I'm trying to work out how to detect when a player which has an assigned variable dies.


So if they have self.raid = 1; the script will continuously check to see if the player which has that variable is dead. In the meantime, other players will have self.raid = 2; etc. When the person with self.raid = 1; dies, the person with the self.raid = 2; gets self.raid = 1;




if that explanation mind fucked you in anyway, i will try explain further, cheers ;)


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			updateOtherPlayers(self.raid); //run this function when the player dies

//num is the var of the dead player's self.raid value
	players = getALlPlayers(); //get all of the players in game
	for(index=0; index<players.size; index++)
		//if the player's self.raid value is less than the dead one's then it doesn't change
		if(players[index].raid < num)

		//if the player's self.raid value is greater than the dead one's it is reduced by one
		elif(players[index].raid > num)
			players[index].raid -= 1;


for example, player with self.raid = 3 dies; num = 3
goes through each player's self.raid value
when the player's value is 1 it doesn't need to be updated
when the player's value is 2 it doesn't need to be updated
the player with value 3 is now dead so nothing happens here
when the player's value is 4 it is updated to become 3 and take the dead person's place
when the player's value is 5 it is updated to become 4 and takes #4s place
so on and so forth


I don't have much time, this is something I typed up in about 5 mins so expect there to be flaws.


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// thread on all players

// Slaya is a cunt



while( true )


self waittill("death");

if( !isDefined(self.raid) )


// put code you want to execute under here.



Edited by AoKMiKeY
Slaya is a nub

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Thanks for the help both of you, and Mikey how does that make the person with self.variable =2; to go to self.variable = 1; when self.variable = 1; dies?


I will look through your code sentrex and see if i can implement it thank you, and yours too mikey! :)


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Thanks for the help both of you, and Mikey how does that make the person with self.variable =2; to go to self.variable = 1; when self.variable = 1; dies?


I will look through your code sentrex and see if i can implement it thank you, and yours too mikey! :)

// thread on all players 
// Slaya is a cunt

    while( true )
        self waittill("death");
        if( !isDefined(self.raid) )
        // put code you want to execute under here. 
        if( self.raid == 1 )
            self.raid == 0;
        if( self.raid == 0 )
            self.raid == 1;

You have to be kidding me right :P Sentrexs is pointless. 


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// thread on all players 
// Slaya is a cunt

    while( true )
        self waittill("death");
        if( !isDefined(self.raid) )
        // put code you want to execute under here. 
        if( self.raid == 1 )
            self.raid == 0;
        if( self.raid == 0 )
            self.raid == 1;

You have to be kidding me right :P Sentrexs is pointless. 


Not sure, you guys are way more experienced than me, hence why I am posting ;) thanks


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The question is what you are trying to achieve here... An explanation would mean we could be more accurate as well. :sir:


// =============================================================================
// Initialize the raid script.
// =============================================================================
    // Array containing players.
    level.raid = [];

    thread onPlayerConnect();

// =============================================================================
// Watch for new player connections.
// =============================================================================
    level endon("game_ended");
    for (;;)
        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread handlePlayer();

// =============================================================================
// Do some player specific shit I guess.
// =============================================================================
    level endon("disconnect");

// =============================================================================
// Add a player to the array.
//   <player> The player that has to be added.
//   [self] The player that has to be added.
// =============================================================================
    if (!isDefined(player))
        player = self;

    if (isDefined(player.pers["team"]) && (player.pers["team"] == "allies" || player.pers["team"] == "axis"))
        level.raid[level.raid.size] = player;

// =============================================================================
// Determines if the player is present in the array.
//   <player> The player that we want to know from if he is in the array.
//   [self] The player that we want to know from if he is in the array.
//   [return] The index in the array [0, level.raid.size[ or -1 if not present.
// =============================================================================
    if (!isDefined(player))
        player = self;

    for (i = 0; i < level.raid.size; i++)
        if (level.raid[i] == player)
            return i;
    return -1;

// =============================================================================
// Repopulates the array with all the players.
// =============================================================================
    level.raid = [];

    players = getEntArray("player", "classname");
    for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)

// =============================================================================
// Shift the players after the given player in the array.
//   <player> The player that has to be removed from the array.
//   [self] The player that has to be removed from the array.
// =============================================================================
    if (!isDefined(player))
        player = self;

    for (i = 0; i < level.raid.size; i++)
        current = level.raid[i];
        if (current == player)
            for (i++; i < level.raid.size; i++)
                if (i == (level.raid.size - 1))
                    level.raid[i] = undefined;
                    level.raid[i-1] = level.raid[i];

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