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Suggestion for the "Recent status updates"

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As the title says a suggestion for the recent status updates. The suggestion is for the smilies, when you type the smiley, there appears only the text from it, would be better with smilies :)


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What you are saying is, you want it to be like this?


Instead of :D, :P, :)

Personally i'm not too fussed, but whatever floats your boat


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What you are saying is, you want it to be like this?


Instead of :D, :P, :)

Personally i'm not too fussed, but whatever floats your boat


I litteraly said with :dave:


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As the title says a suggestion for the recent status updates. The suggestion is for the smilies, when you type the smiley, there appears only the text from it, would be better with smilies :)

So... what do you want? Text only to appear? Or smilies to appear? 




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he wants the smilies to appear instead of text


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he wants the smilies to appear instead of text


dont they already?


Im so confused.


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dont they already?


Im so confused.

on old theme yes, new one no.


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he wants the smilies to appear instead of text


Someone understands :dave:, sorry if I got you guys confused by the theme's of RAID, I ment to have the smilies on the new theme.


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oh, i only use the old theme so i didnt even notice :dave: 


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