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My PC build (Suggestions?)

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Hi everyone,


I have been looking around for a few weeks but I'm still not 100% sure about my build.


I thought about AMD & Intel. Can't decide :s


So, I guess this will be the best build for the budget. I choose for the Intel i5-4570 because I have no fucking idea why.. ;)


(Fucking dutch xd)




Yet, I still don't know what is the best CPU to choose. 


What am I going to do with my PC?

I'm going to play CoD4(Duh), BF3 (Not 4), Crysis 3, Minecraft, Maybe DayZ & Titanfall.

I also want to use my PC for rendering, (Photoshop & Sony Vegas (for my brother) ), for schoolwork and compiling (Code)


There's always a discussion when we're talking about Intel or AMD. 

I guess because of the low wattage usage of the Intel + I'm not going to OC (Due to heat, warranty, energy costs, ...) the Intel looks better for me.


Anyways I hope you guys can give some feedback. 


My budget = 800 euro. (It's 784,62 but the sending costs aren't included yet)


Thanks babes.


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at least get a Gold power supply because that thing will be noisy.


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at least get a Gold power supply because that thing will be noisy.

Not if he gets a good casing :)


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Stay with intel ;)

i5 4th gen is the optimum processor for gaming too, it somehow seems to work better with graphic cards in making games perform good according to statistics. You can also save money by going back to i7 3rd gen (which I use), which is still more than enough for you(runs BF4 @GTX 660 at 100+ FPS at all ultra settings!).


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Not if he gets a good casing :)

the case he wants to buy is certainly not noise proof, in fact it is meant for cooling which means there are lots of "open" parts to allow the fans to suck cool air and and out put warm air.


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the case he wants to buy is certainly not noise proof, in fact it is meant for cooling which means there are lots of "open" parts to allow the fans to suck cool air and and out put warm air.

I know what cooling is since I've had one in the past and even though my old power supply was noisy as hell with 4 fans on top, it wasn't as aloud as you might think. But it says (Closed) next to that current case which probably means there none in stock :P


but still that case sucks dick anyway, looked up the specs and trying to get cabling around it is a pain in the ass


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Thank you guys.


Okay, I'm going for intel (4570). I keep the PSU because it's been highly recommended on the forums I use (


I already ordered my Monitor & Case. I'll prob order the parts this afternoon. 


Thank you guys. ;)


Edit: Yeah I know the case is not the best but it's going to be 'locked' up anyways xd (There are 2 coolers included though ;) )


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Also if you have the money maybe consider the i5 4670k. It's the best gaming cpu on the market right now and can be overclocked. I personally have that cpu and its good.


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Yeah, I thought about that one too. The problem is that if you get a 4670k, you need at least a z87 motherboard (if I'm not wrong) but they are much more expensive then B85 boards. I wasn't planning to OC because of you need a more expensive cpu, mobo & cooler. The 4570 is the best for me. (I guess)

Anyways, the parts are ordered and they'll deliver it tomorrow. I'll post a review, images and prob benchmarks. ;)


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Yeah, I thought about that one too. The problem is that if you get a 4670k, you need at least a z87 motherboard (if I'm not wrong) but they are much more expensive then B85 boards. I wasn't planning to OC because of you need a more expensive cpu, mobo & cooler. The 4570 is the best for me. (I guess)

Anyways, the parts are ordered and they'll deliver it tomorrow. I'll post a review, images and prob benchmarks. ;)

Yea i totally forgot you would need to buy 4th gen ready mobos. Anyway that cpu is still good too :D


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Good luck with your build, it's very good. can't wait until the benchmarks and screenshots :) hopefully nothing blows up while you're building it :dave:


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at least get a Gold power supply because that thing will be noisy.

You do realize, Gold has NOTHING to do with sound. It has to do with efficiency and how good it is for the environment. Bronze 80 certified aren't as good as Gold 80 Certified. 



As for the build, I was going to make very MINOR recommendations, but you've already ordered your parts. The build looks quite nice, and don't be worried about FPS. The 770 is overkill on ALL of today's games. I have a 650 Ti and can run BF4 ultra, and I have yet to try Arma 3, but it runs beautifully on Arma2. It runs on ultra as well on Titanfall, so your build will run ALL games at ultra for at least another 2 years. People get all worried "OMG I NEED THE NEWEST GPU, MINE IS ONLY 3 MONTHS OLD." It's quite pathetic, people running out wasting money on GPU's that are way overkill.


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You do realize, Gold has NOTHING to do with sound. It has to do with efficiency and how good it is for the environment. Bronze 80 certified aren't as good as Gold 80 Certified. 



As for the build, I was going to make very MINOR recommendations, but you've already ordered your parts. The build looks quite nice, and don't be worried about FPS. The 770 is overkill on ALL of today's games. I have a 650 Ti and can run BF4 ultra, and I have yet to try Arma 3, but it runs beautifully on Arma2. It runs on ultra as well on Titanfall, so your build will run ALL games at ultra for at least another 2 years. People get all worried "OMG I NEED THE NEWEST GPU, MINE IS ONLY 3 MONTHS OLD." It's quite pathetic, people running out wasting money on GPU's that are way overkill.


Considering the fact that he's building a relativly high end build, I'd say he would be best going with that 770. Of course he doesn't need it, but a GPU is the most important thing out of everything for a gamer, and if anything that is what you spend the most money on.


Oh and PSU - Spending $1000 is a large investment, I'd say to go and buy a good brand PSU and with generally good reviews.


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Well as far as I know the seasonic S12ii has good reviews. It may not be the best, but I don't need the best. I'm probably going to replace it in around 1-2 years. It's more like a sort of 'budget' problem right now. It'll do it's job.

About the overkill; I know. I don't need all those powerful parts. I bought this because I had the money for it and wanted to get out as much as I can of my PC. That's why ^

So yeah I need to visit a doctor today, at 11.20am and they'll deliver the packages at 11.30am. :s lol


Edit: I was at the hospital when they delivered it, they reported that I wasn't @home so they'll come back tomorrow :#


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Don't worry headdy, I'll pick up the packages for you. Don't worry if you see someone waiting on your front porch!


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I guess my mail-man, deserves a medal.

I was eating with the family at 6pm, when someone nocked on the door. My mom opened the door and was talking to the person outside. My mom came back and told me it was a 'friend'. Then she said they delivered the packages. I knew this was impossible because they planned to come back tomorrow.

After I was done eating I saw these 3 huge packages, and knew it was my PC.

My mom told me the mail guy said: "Because these packages had a name of a Computer / Electronics Company, I knew someone was waiting for them. So I'll just deliver them now and I'll go home now. Have a great day!"

Good guy mailman.


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I guess my mail-man, deserves a medal.

I was eating with the family at 6pm, when someone nocked on the door. My mom opened the door and was talking to the person outside. My mom came back and told me it was a 'friend'. Then she said they delivered the packages. I knew this was impossible because they planned to come back tomorrow.

After I was done eating I saw these 3 huge packages, and knew it was my PC.

My mom told me the mail guy said: "Because these packages had a name of a Computer / Electronics Company, I knew someone was waiting for them. So I'll just deliver them now and I'll go home now. Have a great day!"

Good guy mailman.

wait so the mailman delivered the packages after he was done of his day of work?

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