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Lower Rotation of Shipment?

10 posts in this topic

Unless removed, don't know if there is a way to ''lower'' the chances of a certain map being in rotation.


However, I do understand your pain due to the suffering you have to be put through while playing the map.


I mean, the songs, my god they're terrible. Not to mention the ugly ass moving reaper weapon and then rainbow python.


But no, can't reduce number of times Shipment will end up in rotation.


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im sorry the python is awsome but the map i crap. or just fix the damn bugged shipment crates that fucking lag you when you jump from them


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How does one lag if you are jumping on containers?

I think you may need a better PC since nobody I know has experienced this issue ;-;


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How does one lag if you are jumping on containers?

I think you may need a better PC since nobody I know has experienced this issue ;-;

 it might be like that bug in tron where on the 2nd trap, it's really buggy and you can't stay on them properly?


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That's what I presumed he meant, but I have not experienced this once in game or during testing..Maybe a rare bug?


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Lol thats not a bug, its never happened to me or anyone else on the server i can guarantee, not once has it been complained - tl;dr, your pc is shit


but, shipment is good, its not overplayed xD


AN/yways - Pretty sure lossy can do something about ignoring it from the vote list every 2 hours or someinthg, or something similar


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Let me explain this ''glitch''


It's ping lag, the reason being the crates that float in the water move slowly, causing people with terrible internet to lag off of the crate. I have experienced it once, but it really never happens to me, and I have 120-150 ping every time I play.


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BigBrotherBot is able to manage the rotation of the maps by setting dvars. This plugin manages the frequency of the map by setting map_rotation by player count:

# Plugin for BigBrotherBot(B3) (
# Copyright (C) 2005
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Changelog:
# 1.0.0 - 1.1.0: Added MapDelay and smart/random creation of rotations
# 1.0.0 - 1.1.1: Added fallbackrotation and some errorchecking
# 1.1.1 - 1.1.2: Added some more debugging.
# 1.1.2 - 1.1.3: Introduced copy.deepcopy()
# 1.1.3 - 1.1.4: Added CoD1/CoD2 restartcompatibility
#                Fixed a bug where B3 was unresponsive while in restart-countdown
# 1.1.4 - 1.1.5: Few Bugfixes.
# 1.1.5 - 1.1.6: Stripped space at end of rotation.
# 1.1.6 - 1.2.0: Added hysteresis, added some comments, added caching of roundstartrotation
# 1.2.0 - 1.2.1: Fixed a bug where the cached rotation would remain 'None'
# 1.2.1 - 1.2.2: Added another safety .strip() when storing _roundstart_mapRotationCurrent
# 1.2.2 - 1.2.3: Introduced version 11 for UO; generate rotations with all gametypes
# 1.2.3 - 1.2.4: Added check for limitation of the maximum stringlength (capped at 980)
# 1.3.0        : Added support for CoD4
# 1.3.1        : fixed a bug where on slower boxes the rotation wasn't stored on time
# 1.3.2        : only add maps that have not been added in the last 4 passes, no more double maps
# 1.3.3        : ...
# 1.3.4        : bugfix in maphistory
# 1.3.5        : Added gametypehistory, changed maphistory: both are now configurable for each
#                rotation size individually - Just a baka
# 1.3.6        : Added cod7 support, beautified code - Just a baka
# 1.3.7        : Reworked adjustrotation, fixed bugs that were causing unnecessary
#                setrotation() calls - Just a baka
# 1.3.8        : Implemented proper cod6 support, optimized first saveroundstartrotation - Just a baka
# 1.3.9        : Added map, maps and nextmap commands for ranked cod7 - 82ndab-Bravo17
# 1.3.9a       : Added Names translation for COD7 maps - 82ndab-Bravo17
# 1.3.9b       : Added DLC2 Maps
# 1.3.9c       : Added DLC3 Maps
# 1.4.0        : Correct hysteresis logic and add second hysteresis value, now have one for snall-medium and one for medium-high

__version__ = '1.4.0'
__author__  = 'xlr8or, Just a baka, 82ndab-Bravo17'

import copy
import threading
import time
import random
import b3
import string

class RotationmanagerPlugin(b3.plugin.Plugin):
    _rotation_small = {}
    _rotation_medium = {}
    _rotation_large = {}
    _currentrotation = 0
    _immediate = 0
    _switchcount1 = 0
    _switchcount2 = 0
    _hysteresis1 = 0
    _hysteresis2 = 0
    _playercount = -1
    _oldplayercount = None
    _mapDelay = 0
    _version = 0
    _restartCmd = ''
    _countDown = 0
    _donotadjustnow = False
    _randomizerotation = 0
    _roundstart_mapRotation = None
    _roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = ''
    _roundstart_currentrotation = 0
    _fallbackrotation = ''
    _needfallbackrotation = False
    _initialrecount = False
    _rotation_size = 1                    # 1 - small, 2 - medium, 3 - large
    _recentmaps = []                      # The Maphistory
    _recentgts = []                       # The Gametype history
    _hmm = [0,0,0]                        # HowManyMaps to keep as a maphistory
    _hmgt = [0,0,0]                       # HowManyGameTypes to keep as a gametype history
    _cod7MapRotation = []
    _cod7MapRotationFixed = []
    _nextmap7 = []
    _outofrotation = False

    _cod7Maps = ['mp_array','mp_cairo','mp_cosmodrome','mp_cracked','mp_crisis','mp_duga','mp_firingrange','mp_hanoi',
    _cod7Mapeasynames = ['Array','Havanna','Launch','Cracked','Crisis','Grid','Firing Range','Hanoi',
                         'Jungle','Nuketown','Summit','Radiation','WMD','Villa','Berlin Wall',
                         'Kowloon','Stadium','Discovery','Gridlock','Hotel','Outskirts','Zoo','Hanger 18','Drive-in','Silo','Hazard']
    _cod7Mapeasynameslower = ['array','havanna','launch','cracked','crisis','grid','firing range','hanoi',
                              'jungle','nuketown','summit','radiation','wmd','villa','berlin wall',
                              'kowloon','stadium','discovery','gridlock','hotel','outskirts','zoo','hanger 18','drive-in','silo','hazard']
    _cod7Playlists = {18: {
                            0: {'tdm':1, 'dm':2, 'ctf':3, 'sd':4, 'koth':5, 'dom':6, 'sab':7, 'dem':8},         # softcore
                            1: {'tdm':9, 'dm':10, 'ctf':11, 'sd':12, 'koth':13, 'dom':14, 'sab':15, 'dem':16},  # hardcore
                            2: {'tdm':17, 'dm':18, 'ctf':19, 'sd':20, 'koth':21, 'dom':22, 'sab':23, 'dem':24}, # barebones
                      12: {
                            0: {'tdm':32, 'dm':33, 'ctf':34, 'sd':35, 'koth':36, 'dom':37, 'sab':38, 'dem':39}, # softcore
                            1: {'tdm':41, 'dm':42, 'ctf':43, 'sd':44, 'koth':45, 'dom':46, 'sab':47, 'dem':48}, # hardcore
                            2: {'tdm':50, 'dm':51, 'ctf':52, 'sd':53, 'koth':54, 'dom':55, 'sab':56},           # barebones (yes, no dem)
    _slot_num = 18
    _game_mode = 0
    _cod7Gametypes = ['tdm', 'dm', 'ctf', 'sd', 'hq', 'koth', 'dom', 'sab', 'dem']

    def onStartup(self):
        Initialize plugin settings

        # get the admin plugin so we can register commands
        self._adminPlugin = self.console.getPlugin('admin')
        if not self._adminPlugin:
            # something is wrong, can't start without admin plugin
            self.error('Could not find admin plugin')
            return False

        # register our commands
        if 'commands' in self.config.sections() and self._version == 7:
            for cmd in self.config.options('commands'):
                level = self.config.get('commands', cmd)
                sp = cmd.split('-')
                alias = None
                if len(sp) == 2:
                    cmd, alias = sp

                func = self.getCmd(cmd)
                if func:
                    self._adminPlugin.registerCommand(self, cmd, level, func, alias)
        # Register our events
        self.verbose('Registering events')

        # don't adjust the rotation just yet
        self._donotadjustnow = True
        if self._version != 7:
            self._needfallbackrotation = True
            self._initialrecount = True
            # we'll store the initial rotation

        # wait half a minute after pluginstart to do an initial playercount
        t1 = threading.Timer(30, self.recountplayers)


    def onLoadConfig(self):
        # load our settings
        self.verbose('Loading config')
        self._switchcount1 = self.config.getint('settings', 'switchcount1')
        self._switchcount2 = self.config.getint('settings', 'switchcount2')
        self._hysteresis1 = self.config.getint('settings', 'hysteresis1')
        self._hysteresis2 = self.config.getint('settings', 'hysteresis2')
        self._immediate = self.config.getboolean('settings', 'immediate')
        self._mapDelay = self.config.getint('settings', 'mapdelay')
        self._version = self.config.getint('settings', 'version')
        self._randomizerotation = self.config.getboolean('settings', 'randomizerotation')

        self._hmm[0] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'maphistory_small'))
        self._hmm[1] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'maphistory_medium'))
        self._hmm[2] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'maphistory_large'))
        self.debug('MapHistory is set to: %s' % self._hmm)

        self._hmgt[0] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'gthistory_small'))
        self._hmgt[1] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'gthistory_medium'))
        self._hmgt[2] = abs(self.config.getint('histories', 'gthistory_large'))
        self.debug('GTHistory is set to: %s' % self._hmgt)

        if self._version == 7:
            self._slot_num = self.config.getint('cod7', 'slot_num')
            if self._slot_num not in (12, 18):
                self.error ('Incorrect number of slots (%d), assuming you meant 18.' % self._slot_num)
                self._slot_num = 18

            self._game_mode = self.config.getint('cod7', 'game_mode')
            if self._game_mode not in (0, 1, 2):
                self.error ('Incorrect game mode (%d), assuming you meant softcore.' % self._game_mode)
                self._game_mode = 0
        for gametype in self.config.options('rotation_small'):
            maps = self.config.get('rotation_small', gametype)
            maps = maps.split(' ')
            self._rotation_small[gametype] = maps
            self.debug('Small %s: %s' %(gametype, maps))

        for gametype in self.config.options('rotation_medium'):
            maps = self.config.get('rotation_medium', gametype)
            maps = maps.split(' ')
            self._rotation_medium[gametype] = maps
            self.debug('Medium %s: %s' % (gametype, maps))

        for gametype in self.config.options('rotation_large'):
            maps = self.config.get('rotation_large', gametype)
            maps = maps.split(' ')
            self._rotation_large[gametype] = maps
            self.debug('Large %s: %s' % (gametype, maps))

        if self._version in (1, 11):            # 1: CoD1 or 11: CoD UO
            self._restartCmd = 'map_restart'
        elif self._version in (2, 4, 5, 6):     # CoD2, CoD4, CoD5 or CoD6
            self._restartCmd = 'fast_restart'
            self._mapDelay = 0

    def getCmd(self, cmd):
        cmd = 'cmd_%s' % cmd
        if hasattr(self, cmd):
            func = getattr(self, cmd)
            return func
        return None

    def onEvent(self, event):
        Handle intercepted events
        if event.type ==
            self._playercount += 1
            self.debug('PlayerCount +1: %s' % self._playercount)
            # we're going up, pass a positive 1 to the adjustmentfunction
        elif event.type ==
            self._playercount -= 1
            self.debug('PlayerCount -1: %s' % self._playercount)        
            # we're going down, pass a negative 1 to the adjustmentfunction
        elif event.type ==
            self._donotadjustnow = True
            # wait 2 mins and cache the current rotation cvars
            if self._version != 7:
                t3 = threading.Timer(120, self.saveroundstartrotation)
            # wait 3 mins and do a recount
            t4 = threading.Timer(180, self.recountplayers)
            # should we fast_restart?
            if self._mapDelay != 0 and self._version != 7:
                t5 = threading.Thread(target=self.fastrestart)
            # cod7 map change support
            if self._version == 7:
                # wait 2 minutes and set the next map
                self.debug ('Map change detected, Will push the new map to the server after 2 minutes.')
                t6 = threading.Timer(120, self.cod7maprotate)

    def adjustrotation(self, delta):
        if self._donotadjustnow:
            return None

        new_rotation = 0 # size: from 1 (small) to 3 (large)

        if delta == +1:
            if self._rotation_size == 3 or self._playercount > (self._switchcount2 + self._hysteresis2):
                new_rotation = 3
            elif self._rotation_size == 2 or self._playercount > (self._switchcount1 + self._hysteresis1):
                new_rotation = 2
                new_rotation = 1

        elif delta == -1:
            if self._rotation_size == 1 or self._playercount < (self._switchcount1 - self._hysteresis1):
                new_rotation = 1
            elif self._rotation_size == 2 or self._playercount < (self._switchcount2 - self._hysteresis2):
                new_rotation = 2
                new_rotation = 3

        elif delta == 0:
            if self._playercount < self._switchcount1:
                new_rotation = 1
            elif self._playercount < self._switchcount2:
                new_rotation = 2
                new_rotation = 3

        if new_rotation != 0 and (new_rotation != self._rotation_size or\
                                 (self._version == 7 and len(self._cod7MapRotation) == 0) or\
            self.setrotation (new_rotation)
        elif new_rotation == 0:
            self.debug ('Invalid delta has been passed to adjustrotation, aborting.')
            self.debug ('Rotation size has not changed, will not update rotation.')

        return None

    def setrotation(self, newrotation):
        if newrotation == self._currentrotation and self._version != 7:
            return None

        # restore the rotation if the new one is the same as the one at round/map start
        if newrotation == self._roundstart_currentrotation and self._roundstart_mapRotation is not None and self._version != 7:
            self.debug('Restoring Cached Roundstart Rotations')
            if self._version != 6:
                if self._roundstart_mapRotation != '':
                    self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotation', self._roundstart_mapRotation)
                if self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent != '':
                    self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotationCurrent', self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent)
                if self._roundstart_mapRotation != '':
                    self.console.write('sv_mapRotation %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotation)
                if self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent != '':
                    self.console.write('sv_mapRotationCurrent %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent)

            self._currentrotation = newrotation
            return None

        if newrotation == 1:
            rotname = "small"
            rotation = self._rotation_small
        elif newrotation == 2:
            rotname = "medium"
            rotation = self._rotation_medium
        elif newrotation == 3:
            rotname = "large"
            rotation = self._rotation_large
            self.error('Error: Invalid newrotation passed to setrotation.')
            return None

        self._rotation_size = newrotation

        self.debug('Adjusting to %s mapRotation' % rotname)
        self._rotation = self.generaterotation(rotation)

        if self._version != 7:
            if self._version != 6:
                self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotation', self._rotation)
                self.console.write('sv_mapRotation %s' % self._rotation)

            if self._immediate and self._version != 6:
                self.console.setCvar('sv_mapRotationCurrent', '')
            elif self._immediate:
                self.console.write('reset sv_mapRotationCurrent')
            self._currentrotation = newrotation

            if self._initialrecount:

    def generaterotation(self, rotation):
        #self.debug('Generate from: %s @ size: %s' % (rotation, self._rotation_size))
        rotation_size = self._rotation_size - 1  # We'll be using it as an index for _hmgt
        r = ''
        self._cod7MapRotation = []

        if self._randomizerotation:
            self.debug('Creating randomized rotation...')
            rot = copy.deepcopy(rotation)
            count = 0
            lastgametype = ''
            for gametype,maplist in rot.items():
                count += len(maplist)
            self.debug('MapCount: %s' % count)
            while count > 0:
                c = random.randint(1,count)
                #self.debug('Random: %s' % c)
                for gametype,maplist in rot.items():
                    if c > len(maplist):
                        #self.debug('Length this maplist: %s' % (len(maplist)))
                        c -= len(maplist)
                        # Check if this mode was recently added
                        if gametype in self._recentgts:
                            self.debug('Gametype %s skipped, already added in the last %s items' % (gametype, self._hmgt[rotation_size]) )
                            continue    # skip to the next map in queue
                        # Check if this map was recently added
                        elif maplist[c-1] in self._recentmaps:
                            self.debug('Map %s skipped, already added in the last %s items' % (maplist[c-1], self._hmm[rotation_size]) )
                            continue    # skip to the next map in queue
                        # cod7 - check if this gametype exists for the chosen game mode and a number of slots
                        elif self._version == 7 and gametype not in self._cod7Playlists[self._slot_num][self._game_mode]:
                            self.warning('Gametype %s cannot be played in current playlist (game_mode=%d, slot_num=%d)' % (gametype, self._slot_num, self._game_mode))
                            continue    # skip to the next map in queue

                        if self._version != 7:
                            addition = ''

                        if gametype != lastgametype or self._version in (4, 6, 11): #UO, CoD4 and CoD6 need every gametype pre map
                            addition = 'gametype ' + gametype + ' '

                        addingmap = maplist.pop(c-1)
                        if self._version != 7:
                            addition = addition + 'map ' + addingmap + ' '

                        if self._version != 7 and (len(r) + len(addition)) > 960:
                            self.debug('Maximum sv_rotation stringlength reached... Aborting adding maps to rotation!')
                            count = 0 # Make sure we break out of the while loop
                            break     # Break out of the for loop

                        if self._version != 7:
                            r += addition
                            self._cod7MapRotation.append ([gametype,addingmap])

                        #self.debug('Building: %s' % r)
                        rot[gametype] = maplist
                        lastgametype = gametype

                        if self._hmm[rotation_size] != 0:
                            self._recentmaps = self._recentmaps[-self._hmm[rotation_size]:] # Slice the last _hmm nr. of maps
                        if self._hmgt[rotation_size] != 0:
                            self._recentgts = self._recentgts[-self._hmgt[rotation_size]:] # Slice the last _hmgt nr. of gametypes
                count -= 1

            self.debug('Creating non-randomized rotation...')
            stringmax = 0
            # UO, CoD6 and CoD4 needs every gametype pre map
            if self._version in (4, 6, 11):
                for gametype,maplist in rotation.items():
                    for map in maplist:
                        addition = 'gametype ' + gametype + ' ' + 'map ' + map + ' '
                        if (len(r) + len(addition)) > 980:
                            self.debug('Maximum sv_rotation stringlength reached... Aborting adding maps to rotation!')
                            stringmax = 1 # Make sure we break out of the first for loop
                            break         # Break out of the nested for loop
                        r += addition
                    if stringmax == 1:
                        break # Break out of the first for loop

            elif self._version == 7:
                addition = []
                for gametype,maplist in rotation.items():
                    for map in maplist:
                        addition = [gametype, map]
                        self._cod7MapRotation.append (addition)
                self._cod7MapRotationFixed = self._cod7MapRotation

                for gametype,maplist in rotation.items():
                    r2 = r # Backup r
                    r = r + 'gametype ' + gametype + ' '
                    for map in maplist:
                        r = r + 'map ' + map + ' '
                        if len(r) > 980 and self._version != 7:
                            self.debug('Maximum sv_rotation stringlength reached... Aborting adding maps to rotation!')
                            r = r2 # Restore r and break out
                            stringmax = 1
                        r2 = r # Backup r
                    if stringmax == 1:
                        break # Break out completely

        if self._version != 7:
            self.debug('NewRotation: %s' % r)
            self.debug('NewBlackOpsRotation: %s' % self._cod7MapRotation)
        if self._version != 7 and r.strip() == '':
            r = self._fallbackrotation
            self.error('Error: Generation failed! Reverting to original rotation!')
        # Strip excessive spaces from the new rotation
        r = r.strip()
        return r

    def recountplayers(self):
        if self._version != 7:
            # do we still need the original rotation
            if self._needfallbackrotation:
            # if we still didnt get it we'll wait for the next round/map
            if self._needfallbackrotation:
                self.error('Error: Still not able to retrieve initial rotation!')
                return None

        # reset, recount and set a rotation
        self._oldplayercount = self._playercount
        self._playercount = 0
        self._donotadjustnow = False

        self._playercount = len (self.console.clients.getList())

        self.debug('PlayerCount recount players: %s' % self._playercount)

        if self._oldplayercount == -1:
        elif self._playercount > self._oldplayercount:
        elif self._playercount < self._oldplayercount:

    def retrievefallback(self):
        self._fallbackrotation = self.console.getCvar('sv_mapRotation').getString()
        time.sleep(0.5) # Give us plenty time to store the rotation
        if self._fallbackrotation is not None:
            self.debug('Fallbackrotation: %s' % self._fallbackrotation)
            # this is the only place where _needfallbackrotation is set to False!
            self._needfallbackrotation = False
            self.error('Could not save original rotation... Waiting for next pass')

    def saveroundstartrotation(self, rotation=''):
        if self._initialrecount and self._version != 7:
            self.debug('Saving the first generated rotation as the cached roundstart rotation')
            self._roundstart_mapRotation = rotation
            self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = ''
            self._initialrecount = False

        elif self._version != 7:
            self.debug('Getting current Rotation')
            self._roundstart_mapRotation = self.console.getCvar('sv_mapRotation')
            if self._roundstart_mapRotation is not None and self._roundstart_mapRotation != '':
                self._roundstart_mapRotation = self._roundstart_mapRotation.getString()
                self.debug('Cached Rotation: %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotation)
                self._roundstart_mapRotation = None

            self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = self.console.getCvar('sv_mapRotationCurrent')
            if self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent is not None and self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent != '':
                self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent.getString()
                # Removing extra spaces just in case...
                self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent.strip()
                self.debug('Cached RotationCurrent: %s' % self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent)
                self._roundstart_mapRotationCurrent = ''

            self._roundstart_currentrotation = self._currentrotation

    def cod7getnextmap(self):
        if len(self._cod7MapRotation) == 0:
            self._donotadjustnow = False
            self.debug ('Nothing to rotate, re-adjusting rotation...')

        # Get the next [gametype,map] and remove it from _cod7MapRotation
        if not self._outofrotation:
            self._nextrotationmap = self._cod7MapRotation.pop(0)
        self._nextmap7 = self._nextrotationmap
        self._outofrotation = False

    def cod7maprotate(self):
        self.debug('COD7MAPROTATE: next map will be %s at %s' % (self._nextmap7[0], self._nextmap7[1]))

        # Set the playlist thus changing the gametype
        self.console.write('setadmindvar playlist %s' % self._cod7Playlists[self._slot_num][self._game_mode][self._nextmap7[0]])

        # Build a map exclusion rule then apply it. Will exclude every map except the next one.
        exclusion = copy.copy (self._cod7Maps)
        exclusion.remove (self._nextmap7[1])
        self.console.write ('setadmindvar playlist_excludeMap "%s"' % ' '.join(exclusion))

        # Keep playlist_excludeGametypeMap empty, I'm in charge here!
        # If next map is in this dvar, server will keep not changing maps until it recieves something that's not restricted
        self.console.write ('setadmindvar playlist_excludeGametypeMap ""')

    def fastrestart(self):
        self._countDown = int(self._mapDelay)/10
        while self._countDown > 0:
            self.console.say('^1*** MATCH STARTING IN ^7%s^1 SECONDS ***' % (self._countDown*10) )
            self._countDown -= 1

        self.console.say('^7*** ^1MATCH ^7*** ^1STARTING ^7***')

    def cmd_maps(self, data, client=None, cmd=None):
        - list the server's map rotation for cod7, optionally limit the number in the list

        if not self._adminPlugin.aquireCmdLock(cmd, client, 60, True):
            client.message('^7Do not spam commands')

        m = self._adminPlugin.parseUserCmd(data)
        if m:
                limitno = int(m[0])
                limitno = 1000
            limitno = 1000

        if self._randomizerotation:
            rotation = self._cod7MapRotation[0:limitno]
            if limitno == 1000:
                rotation = self._cod7MapRotationFixed
                rotation = self._cod7MapRotation[0:limitno]

        maplist = ''
        for maps in rotation:
            mapeasyname = self.getcod7mapeasyname(maps[1])
            maplist = maplist + mapeasyname + '^7-^3' + maps[0] + '  ^2'
        if len(maplist) > 0:
            cmd.sayLoudOrPM(client, '^7Map Rotation: ^2%s' % maplist)
            client.message('^7Error: could not get map list')
    def cmd_nextmap(self, data, client=None, cmd=None):
        - list the next map in rotation for cod7
        if not self._adminPlugin.aquireCmdLock(cmd, client, 60, True):
            client.message('^7Do not spam commands')

        map = self._nextmap7

        if map:
            mapeasyname =  self.getcod7mapeasyname(map[1])
            if map[0] == 'koth':
                gt = 'hq'
                gt = map[0]
            cmd.sayLoudOrPM(client, '^7Next Map: ^2%s with ^3%s^2 gametype' % (mapeasyname, gt))
            client.message('^7Error: could not get map name')
    def cmd_map(self, data, client=None, cmd=None):
        - switch what the next map and gametype is for cod7
        #m = self._adminPlugin.parseUserCmd(data)
        m = data.split(' ')
        gt = m[-1]
        map = string.join(m[0:-1])
        self.debug('Result is map %s gametype %s' % (map, gt))
        map = map.lower()
        if (map not in self._cod7Maps) and (map not in self._cod7Mapeasynameslower):
            client.message('^7You must supply a map and valid gametype to change to.')
        if map in self._cod7Mapeasynameslower:
            maphardname = self.getcod7maphardname(map)
        if not gt or gt not in self._cod7Gametypes or gt not in self._cod7Playlists[self._slot_num][self._game_mode]:
            client.message('^7You must supply a valid gametype to change to.')
        # Set the playlist thus changing the gametype
        if gt == 'hq':
            gt = 'koth'

        self._outofrotation = True
        self._nextmap7 = [gt, maphardname]
        if gt == 'koth':
            gt = 'hq'
        client.message('^7Next map changed to ^2%s with ^3%s^2 gametype' % (map, gt))

    def aquireCmdLock(self, cmd, client, delay, all=True):
        if client.maxLevel >= 20:
            return True
        elif cmd.time + delay <= self.console.time():
            return True
            return False    
    def getcod7mapeasyname(self, map):
        if map in self._cod7Maps:
            ix = self._cod7Maps.index(map)
            return self._cod7Mapeasynames[ix]
            return 'Error'
    def getcod7maphardname(self, map):
        map = map.lower()
        if map in self._cod7Mapeasynameslower:
            ix = self._cod7Mapeasynameslower.index(map)
            return self._cod7Maps[ix]
            return 'Error'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print ('\nThis is version '+__version__+' by '+__author__+' for BigBrotherBot.\n')


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