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Map out of Rotation

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Would be appreciated to no longer make threads that are worthy of just a status update. However, using the correct template, you can suggest the removal of maps in the suggestions section under Raid Deathrun. Or simply click here if you're lazy. But yeah, wrong section and the thread is pretty useless.


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I love caelum, it's one of the best DR maps in my opinion.

I also agree, its actually one of my favorites.. Everyone hates it because they can't get good FPS on it  :xd:


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Yeah let's just remove it just for you shall we

Hell no that map is godlike


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Okay, I'll just explain how wrong you are.

So, the question, how to rationally classify the deathrun map?


So let's start.

Step #1: Appearance.

Let's compare mp_dr_caelum and, for example, mp_dr_shipment.

What does caelum have and what shipment does not have? Right, a big variety of different custom textures and unique shapes of objects - that means that caelum's creator worked a lot with appearance to make the map very detailed. Important thing to notice - caelum's mapper didn't just put custom textures in the map like eBc Legend usually does in his boring maps (Crystal, Empire) - caelum's mapper created an unique magic world, that really looks like a piece of world with flying stones and white fog - masterpiece! 9/10 for appearance to mp_dr_caelum. What Shipment can deliver to us? Straight paths without any entertaining objects that entertain us while doing the map, lack of any interesting things to observe, you just jump through straight path filled with some barrels and palletes. In the end we can see the grass and some more barrels.

Step #2: Traps

Caelum - let's count unique traps that you'll never meet in another 150+ maps for cod4 deathrun mod. First one - flying stones that go up and down - I write this text and trying to remember at least one map with flying stones, but I can't. Second and third - second is unique, third resembles well detailed and modified version of last trap on mp_dr_lalamx, emh, I don't remember such trap in any more maps! Well, you understood what I want to say about traps on Caelum, 10/10

Shipment please, piece of path disappearing or piece of path goes down. Rotating thing, exploding barrels....only last trap really deserves attention and only because it's pretty hard in activated status. We saw these traps in different maps that were done before.

Step #3: Details

You'll ask me, why is Shipment overpopular for now and Caelum always stay behind? There are a couple of reasons and it's not Caelum mapper's fault.

1. FPS - Caelum requires more PC power than usual deathrun map do, because of the fog which is part of the map - yeah, that's really make people angry and it's one of the reasons why Caelum isn't played that well

2. Length & Difficulty - Caelum is pretty long and hard so it requires a lot of skills to do it but nowadays people wanna make fun while just jumping through easy maps to the end room to make sick FaZe 360 n0sc0pe to show off. Caelum doesn't support that point of view so it is not that popular. But there are some good people that love this map for the challenge it offers.

I rate Caelum as one of the best maps in cod4 deathrun history and totally disagree with the statement that it is "long at boring" (go play Crystal, ye, it's long and boring)

Synd, I didn't wanna hurt any of your feelings, I tried to honestly criticize your map, I never wanted to insult the job you did. I hope you'll make a better map in the future.


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Edited line error, also, proud of you writing so much :happycry:

In the end, unlikely that it'll be removed Rainz


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I rate Caelum as one of the best maps in cod4 deathrun history and totally disagree with the statement that it is "long at boring" (go play Crystal, ye, it's long and boring)

Synd, I didn't wanna hurt any of your feelings, I tried to honestly criticize your map, I never wanted to insult the job you did. I hope you'll make a better map in the future.


     Don't worry about it. Being a mapper, you are going to get criticism for anything you do or release, same goes for pretty much everything in life. However, most of the time it is not constructive criticism, and people just telling you your map is absolutely awful without reason. Personally, I don't like the map, a lot of people do, a lot of people don't. I personally couldn't care less if somebody doesn't like the map, if they explain why, which you did. I explained in the thread I made about shipment that it was a really simple map with not many creative ideas, but I did it because I enjoy mapping. So yeah, absolutely no offense taken by anything you happen to say about a map that I create, because even if it's bad, it's a hobby of mine that I enjoy doing, so I will continue to do it no matter what people say or think about. Also, don't worry about no creativity, I got you in the next map of mine, which will hopefully be Raid exclusive aswell.


tl;dr: No offense taken.


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