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Rooftops Demo 3 Voice Actor Recruiting Immediate Help needed!

7 posts in this topic

Greetings all.


As I have promised the Rooftops 3rd Demo will be brought to you soon. Hopefully in the summer.

Now, unfortunately my friends and cousins who once arranged to do voice acting with me for this, wont be able to assist.

But fortunately I can do voice acting. The only problem is that i don't know if Ill find a good microphone. Besides, if the quality is not that great it wont really matter because it is a custom amateur singleplayer mappack made by one man with little help.

But i cant do all main Characters by myself.  So I will really need your help guys.


I would really appreciate the help of Raid gaming members. Four people are needed maximum.

the Characters that need a voice are the following.

-Loz (Main character) I think of Stabb for that one XD

-Pan (Main character)

-Russian Thug (very few lines and requires English with Russian accent)

-Italian Civilian (again very few lines no particular accent just a simple neutral accent)


Your participation and help will be really appreciated. When the required voice actors will be recruited, i will send a package that will contain all information they need to get the job done. All the Lines and dialogues, a 480p video with the all of the demo so he can understand the situations of each line, more txt information and agreements.

Of course everyone who will participate will gain a place in the Credits.


Thank you.


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OwO is both Russian and an ex-KGB, he should be able to help you with that :troll:


If you need a dull monotone voice, give me a call (A.k.a PM me, don't actually call me since that would be absurdly weird and I'm likely to assume you're Jered from Wisconsin trying to mess with me again)


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September is too late. I hope everything to be ready in August, late or early days i dont mind, just in that month. I hope we will make it. Also Ill be away from PC next week so be advised i will read all participation messages next Monday :) Staab and Darmuh are the possible Loz and Pan voice actors. If they both accept then Russian thug and Italian Civilian are all that's left.


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im adding more comments because in your recent status you asked for it


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