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[Release] mp_dr_sunset

20 posts in this topic

So hi there. I want to release my 1st map called mp_dr_sunset. It's quite shit but It's my first map so don't hate me  :yay:


Author: fARMERR

Traps: 5

Secrets: 1

EndRooms: Old

Map difficulty: Easy

Map Length: Small

Credits: Speedex






And enjoy  :)


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Still looks better than my first map.^^


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Still looks better than my first map.^^

Speedex told me the same thing


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Perhaps a change in texture would be nice (Or more than one :P)


Clip to prevent jumpers from shooting the activator and for the activator not being able to throw toma at jumpers may be needed


First trap maybe could be changed into something different than just random wall magically appearing in the air


For the spinner, perhaps have it at least move up and done to avoid jumpers just using prone past it


While I don't like invisible traps, the texture on the ground clearly cuts off where it'll be invisible and makes it too easy to avoid


The spike trap could move up slightly faster to avoid jumpers getting past it before it can even work and have spikes visible underneath instead of appearing from nowhere


At least the secret doesn't skip you too far ahead


Also, love old only ^^


Decent first map, certainly better than Slaya's  :P


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Well they can't pass the spinning trap cause they need to prone to pass it. Also there is invisible activator wall and full clip so they can't kill him

Hmm, tried it with a bot and was able to shoot him :o


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Hmm, tried it with a bot and was able to shoot him :o

Weird cause I was shooting speedex and I couldn't hit him


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Not bad for a first map


I would say, one of the classic deathrun maps because it got only old room in it.


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For the lazy people ( the pictures are in the spoiler :) )






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Looks really good for being your first map


Would be a good map to play  ;)


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hmm, We still need mp_dr_night and mp_dr_day :troll: 


how about mp_deathrun_nearly_dinner_time? I would pay good money for you to make this staab :D


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There are hundreds of textures in CoD4.....



... yet you used just one



ps. i'll try not to hate :fff:


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There are hundreds of textures in CoD4.....



... yet you used just one



ps. i'll try not to hate :fff:

Will add more textures in v2 ;-;


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