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smb wip tdb

14 posts in this topic

continued from







Not sure if making it for DR, probably not.



Features so far

  • breaking bricks with your head, who needs anything else? :angryarnold:
  • for those who didn't notice, there are custom textures, and a map is built with them :dumb:
  • camera from diferent angle
  • coins
  • shortcuts and pipe *teleporters*
  • complete World 1 from Super Mario Bros (4 levels inc. dungeon) in one map (inc. secret warp zones and coin rooms)
  • Super Mario Bros SFX and 'music'
  • sources will land on my GitHub so ya can all *steal* from my work



  • this map does not have @Lossy in it
  • ...nor is it under 's jurisdiction - HE WILL NOT BAN YA :dave:
  • also no @Bears!

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  • sources will land on my GitHub so ya can all *steal* from my work




pls people are only going to steal it if you finish it because they're too stupid to learn :dumb: and since you probably won't finish it no one going to steal it :troll:


i mean look at all the people hosting them deathrun servers, they have to use 3xp stuff and rename to their own instead of giving the original credit *cough* ebc dr, rs dr, xM dr, tex dr and more :troll:


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you probably won't finish it no one going to steal it :troll:

sounds like a plan but you'll ask me for files anyway :troll:


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'Not sure if making it for DR, probably not.'



fuck u gonna make it for then 


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If you are making a dr map then I wont continue mine as you'll do it much better :P

poor excuse! :angryarnold: keep working on yours :awesome:


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Under the bridge downtown

Is where I drew some blood

For this mod to happen


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pls brax, custom mario model needed

already got an idea :awesome:

  1. use standard player model
  2. edit its material to make it invisible
  3. edit the model and add aditional groups (each for diferent mario posture, left stand, right stand, left move, right move, jump up, multiply that by "keyframes" used in original SMB), all are parent of tag_origin
  4. use hide() and then showpart(currentMarioPosture_modelpart) to make awsum 2d mario


here are the postures I'm going to use:



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I was gonna go with making a mario effect follow on the player (hiding the player model obv)



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already got an idea :awesome:

  1. use standard player model
  2. edit its material to make it invisible
  3. edit the model and add aditional groups (each for diferent mario posture, left stand, right stand, left move, right move, jump up, multiply that by "keyframes" used in original SMB), all are parent of tag_origin
  4. use hide() and then showpart(currentMarioPosture_modelpart) to make awsum 2d mario


here are the postures I'm going to use:


why would ya use hide() n stuff in script when you could just do the same thing on maya with new playeranimtype :kingdave:


and for running animation just make a texture atlas shader with punchout alpha


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