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Cloudy's Application

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Admin applications: 


Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Matthew

What is your in-game name?: Cloudy

How old are you?: 15 (18/04/2000)

What is your primary server?: Deathrun.

What is your B3 CID?: @30

What is your Steam?: and (My nub vac'd account xD)

What makes you a good admin?: Most importantly would be my experience in having being an admin before, I'm also quite mature and have fun whilst in-game. I'm on deathrun everyday usually 1-4 hours a day. I'm always open for people to come and ask me for help and am always friendly! I truly respect everyone within the community regardless if they annoy me or not, I'm quite chilled and relaxed and a person and rarely cause arguments within the servers. I follow the rules and try to enforce them when I can; never going overboard when trying to tell someone not to do something and try to remain my "cool". I'm a trustworthy person in which has had experience with B3, and as I've said am pretty experienced in being an Administrator, so I'm know what I'm doing when it comes to being an Admin!

What skills do you have?: I don't have many skills which may benefit Raid as a whole, but I'm willing to learn if required. I know very minimal amounts of GSC. I'm currently learning how to perfect Cinema 4D & After Effects as that's the type of thing I'd like to do when I eventually get a job. I'm also a beginner at UE4 (still learning how to blueprint) and have been working on different 3D scenes for a while and have finally produced something I'm proud of.

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I've been at a few, and have been known for "Applying for a community as soon as I join one" And I would very much like to get rid of that reputation. Now the communities/clans I've been in are as followed; Raid, TwS, BwR, uP+||, Blur, JoKe and a few more which I can't remember the name of. I apologize for coming across as someone who's lets say "Only in it for the rank" and haven't applied for anything in a long old time.

Why should we choose you?: I've reported a few hackers via the tickets system and have reported quite a few via the shoutbox. I'll try to be more active in Teamspeak as I don't really talk much whilst gaming as I'm either listening to music VERY loudly or just not really in the mood to talk. I believe if you add me to the Administration team then I could help out the people who complain about little admins being online to ban hackers, request help, issues or anything you would need in which I could help out.


FYI, I'm getting iMtroll to lock this topic as I wouldn't like any reply's to my application as most of them take a detour from the actual point of the application. 


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