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FREE Steam games

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Over the course of the last month, I have activated over 30+ games on Steam for FREE.


A lot of people are familiar with websites like:

If you are not, they are websites that offer game bundles for a low price most of the time in order to support charity.

However, a lot of these website will give away Steam games for free.



I have no concrede answer to this question. If I had to guess I would say it generates traffic to their website and therefore increases sales. The developer or distributor of the game probably just wants to generate more brand awareness.


Even though it sounds unreal I decided to share it with you anyways.

From now on I will post links to free Steam games in this topic, as soon as I come across one.


My Steam:

This should allow you to check the fact that I own the games listed below.


Examples of games I have activated for free:


BONUS: I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with the rank up system in Steam and the card drops that you earn by playing a game. Some of these games have card drops included, meaning you'll have free money or free levels on Steam.



To start of this topic with free games:

The website listed above will provide you with FOUR FREE games. The only thing required is creating an account on the website. As soon as you login, on the same place it said (right top corner) it will say "profile/keys". Just click on that and scroll down and get your free keys.


The four free games are: Commander - Conquest Of The Americans, Earth 2150 - Lost Souls, Enclave and Pirates of Black Cove (links to these games can be found above).


Second of all, there is a free game by Bundlestars and PC Gamer over at:

This game is called Bionic Dues.


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smite is a fun free game.


Way better than LoL or Dota imo

The games I am talking about in this topic are not supposed to be free games. Otherwise this topic would be useless imo and it would probably be called F2P Steam games. They are games that are free for limited periods of time. You will receive a key, which you can activate on Steam (Games --> Activate a product on Steam).


P.S. Smite sucks imo  :troll:


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