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Go back levels.

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I was thinking about if you can go back levels when you are the max level. Lets say you are level 70 and you want to go back a rank, you can do it somehow. I don't know if that is possible or not. Also, i was thinking when you get level 70, there can be a reset button and reset everything except stats. I know you can create new profile but just an idea.  :)


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good idea, i think adding a reset button would be nice for those who hit level 70.


Going back specific ranks i'm not so sure about.


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You could just create another account on cod4 though and have both a 'Smurf' account and if you ever get there a level 70 account.

Edit: everyone will be Dave king's if this happens. :Dave:


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You could just create another account on cod4 though and have both a 'Smurf' account and if you ever get there a level 70 account.




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Or ask a comm manager to reset your rank, we can do that via command line


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I still think a reset rank option in the quickcommands menu (b menu) would be a good thing to add in the future imo.


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So pretty much a prestige button?


I'm not sure if level 70 will be max rank, i might upper the limit because people are ranking up faster than i expected.


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A prestige system would be nice, once you progress through level 70, at the end of it, you have the option to prestige, and maybe get a little extra perk? maybe more icons to gain once you've prestiged, and a sign saying what prestige you are etc.


And once you have the option to prestige, you have to do like, !prestige or it could be implemented in the menus, so when you've progressed through level 70 (basically becoming level 71) you have the option to prestige, and there could be 10 prestige's or however many is necessary. 


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A prestige system would be nice, once you progress through level 70, at the end of it, you have the option to prestige, and maybe get a little extra perk? maybe more icons to gain once you've prestiged, and a sign saying what prestige you are etc.


And once you have the option to prestige, you have to do like, !prestige or it could be implemented in the menus, so when you've progressed through level 70 (basically becoming level 71) you have the option to prestige, and there could be 10 prestige's or however many is necessary. 

This is a sick idea. I would love this.


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