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I am so late

14 posts in this topic

Better late than never... Hi fgts, #1 nublet Slaya here. :>

I'm one of the worst mappers out there m8s, my maps are garbage. Look at mp_dr_slay, only a faggot can make that. I also enjoy filling my HDD with porn, I only have 0.3TB left of my 1.5TB HDD.

This was the most prew introduction evah.


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10/10 Best intro on Raid Forums. 


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I use to think slaya and imagine was two different people


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10/10 Best intro on Raid Forums.


I use to think slaya and imagine was two different people

I used to think white chocolate was milk chocolate, I was wrong too.

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I use to think slaya and imagine was two different people

I used to like imagine dragons...


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faggot u liar mp_dr_headdy is worse. 


Hello. Welcome to our forums.


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Pffft you should have seen my map.


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This intro looks sick. I'm sure you put alot of work to it.

Ye, I spent 5 hours writing dis shiiit.


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Hola and welcome to the forums

If you happen to need any help with scaling, don't ask Zack


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Anti, lowering 14-year old boys self-esteem levels since 1999. ;_;






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