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Taking a break

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Hello guys. I've decided to take a break for my own benefit. Not sure how long I'll be, 1 Week, 2 Weeks, I don't know.


I've recently been getting wild squeezing and tight pains in my heart and chest. After reading up on this and watching videos, it seems it's affected by the angina, which is a common symptom for coronary heart disease. You may think this is stupid and I shouldn't worry, but if I'm facing symptoms of something which is life-threatening, I'm not going to take any risks. I'm not overweight or anything, my diet isn't very good, and hasn't been for a while. So I'm going to reorganize myself and get healthier, even though this won't cure it, only aid it, but before I do anything, I will be going to see a doctor. 


Anyway, take care everyone, I'll see you all soon.


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Farewell, might start this summer* to get back in shape all this PC gaming but I may get a new PC then soon just work till I get it :D


Dat spelling thinking of servers xD


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I'd go see a doctor rather than self-diagnose yourself off of videos you watched on the internet. Lots of symptoms occur in many major disease that are also linked with simple things like fevers/flus etc.

Either way, take as long as ya need ;)


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dont go to they just tell you you're going to die. 



Stay healthy bro!


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Take care mate. I hope you'll be feeling better soon. :)

Anyways, take your time and follow your feelings. It's important. Else you'll end up worse then you thought you would :>


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I had the same pain. Sharp pain in the heart area. I went to doctors and found it was growth pains around the heart that was causing all the nerves around my heart to become inflamed. This was squeezing and putting pressure on my heart causing it to lose/gain an extra beat. They slowly faded away and i no longer have them anymore. But then again... im 15... ur older so prob not ur case but could be. Anyways good luck man 


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Thanks all. Today is the only chance I've had to properly come online, I did go to the doctors, Darmuh. That's the first thing I did. He ran some tests and I apparently had some sort of inflammation in my heart, which is better than I thought, because all I need to do is take it easy. I've started my old hobby again anyway now, which is mountain biking. My dad bought a new mountain bike, which is good, and his old one was good too, but his new one is a lot better. Anyway, he took it off eBay to give me, he had it up for £1,000, and I'm just on it all the time now.


With that being said, I'll be on from time to time, but I am not going to be on as much, no where near as much. Thanks for all the support though guys, and all the friendship. It's been good, I'll speak to the regulars every now and again (:


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Great to hear! Glad it's not too serious, glad to see you're trying to stay in shape. Good luck to you, and hope to see you back often!


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