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Lost your rank?

2 posts in this topic

Have you lost your rank on Death run? Wish to retrieve it back?


Well here the steps you should follow to get it back!


First of all you need a screen shot or video. Don't have neither on your computer? Well lucky majority of the playerbase has xfire and take lots of screen shots! So you can find all screen shots that has been taken on our server through xfire on here


Still can't find one? Well unfortunately we can't give you it back... you might be telling the truth, but not everyone on this rock planet does and might try to lie to gain a higher rank so we don't give ranks back unless you have evidence. So you'll just have to rank back up legitly.


If you have found evidence of your rank carry on.


First of all, click the ticket system and make a ticket under "[CoD4]: Lost rank (DR ONLY!)" then give us the following information to confirm it's you and you have evidence of that rank


  • Link to the screen shot or video of your rank (if possible)
  • Last 8 digits of your GUID
  • B3 ID(type !regtest to find out)
  • Your ingame name

Then when iMtroll see you in the server next, he will give you your rank back. So please don't keep spamming the ticket/shoutbox etc.. with "I'm in the server now" or "please check my ticket" because he may be busy, not at home or something else, otherwise he would be in the server :P


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