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What should I upgrade next?

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Well I'm going to start saving my money towards upgrading my build. Not sure what I should work towards though.

What I feel is the next step is either a second monitor or a better GPU. If I get a second monitor it will have to be hdmi though as my GPU only has that left to be used and my current monitor does not have an HDMI port.

If I get a new gpu then that means i'll still be stuck in single monitor land :S

I dont think I need a RAM upgrade as 8gbs seems decent enough. Haven't had any problems with my PSU or CPU either. The only trouble I've run into with my build lies with my GPU unfortunately.

So yeah just looking for second opinions as I'm a little split on what I should work towards.

Just to clarify though, I dont have the money to buy anything now. It's more just a light at the end of the tunnel to work towards xD




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your graphics card is fine, second monitor is very worth it believe me. Though i recommend getting a similar design to your original monitor; same inch and monitor resolution. 


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Agree with the rest, new monitor! If your current monitor is alright then get another the same, nothings worse than having two different ones! (may be my self diagnosed ocd :dave:)


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I'd go with another monitor, as having more is better and allows so much more productivity.


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Titan is so over rated tbh


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*sigh* A 2nd monitor is nice, but is it really necessary? You always complain about how bad your GPU is, and yet throwing another monitor on it is only going to make it worse. I'd upgrade the GPU if I were you, but it's all preference I guess...


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I'd rather get a new GPU.

>complains about gpu

>buys second monitor


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*sigh* A 2nd monitor is nice, but is it really necessary? You always complain about how bad your GPU is, and yet throwing another monitor on it is only going to make it worse. I'd upgrade the GPU if I were you, but it's all preference I guess...

this is pretty much how I felt.. but I wanted to hear other people's opinions anyway. Thanks m8


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I can say from personal experience on a 4890 with three monitors on it, that it does not affect performance by much, and you can put it on your onboard video if you really care about that little performance.


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no reason when 7850 plays any game on ultra  -_- to get a better gpu anyway you could probably get 2 more monitors, least for a decent upgrade. Though you could get a monitor and another 7850 and crossfire.. I think that would be better.


7870 - £200 (next upgrade to 7850 unless you want a gtx)

7850 - £100


A decent monitor ( max resolution and nice size ) - £80, £100


2 x 7850 will handle any game, no problems whatsoever.. And you get a monitor too.. extra workspace, i cant watch anything and do stuff at the same time without it :) 2 monitors is useful for streaming too


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no reason when 7850 plays any game on ultra  -_- to get a better gpu anyway you could probably get 2 more monitors, least for a decent upgrade. Though you could get a monitor and another 7850 and crossfire.. I think that would be better.


7870 - £200 (next upgrade to 7850 unless you want a gtx)

7850 - £100


A decent monitor ( max resolution and nice size ) - £80, £100


2 x 7850 will handle any game, no problems whatsoever.. And you get a monitor too.. extra workspace, i cant watch anything and do stuff at the same time without it :) 2 monitors is useful for streaming too

Stop with AMD crap GPUs, Darmuh needs nVidia masterrace GeForce GTX760!


Oh well, maybe their GPUs aren't that crap, but drivers are and that's dealbreaker :dave:


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meh idk :> im a nub nub with computer stuff anyway.. just a suggestion. Do what u feels right x) i upgraded from 5450 to a 6870 and i was pleased so :P maybe upgrade is the way to go


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I really love my GTX770. Just sayin'.

I'd rather get a NVIDIA, because it's just overall better.


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if you're going to get a second gaming monitor (that's if it's a second gaming one) then I'd recommend you either save up for the amd r9 280x, or the Gtx 770. Good gpu's for the prices, and are quite good when doing dual monitors.


Or, I think this is the best option, is just get the same gpu you have already, and put it in SLI, only if your motherboard supports it, and if you have enough psu power. 


Remember, two gpu's in Crossfire will work better with dual monitors than the higher end gpu's. so you'd probably be getting the Gtx 780 Ti - Amd r9 290x performance with those in Crossfire.


Here's the performance of the Amd radeon 7850 Crossfire, vs the Gtx 780 Ti:


They come pretty close! I hope i've helped with your decision.


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I have one monitor and its fine. but i feel if u map alot it would be good choice.


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You have streamed quite a bit lately. You could have one for chat and the other for the game you are playing.


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no reason when 7850 plays any game on ultra  -_- to get a better gpu anyway you could probably get 2 more monitors, least for a decent upgrade. Though you could get a monitor and another 7850 and crossfire.. I think that would be better.

I can guarrantee you my 7850 CAN NOT run any game on ultra. You're probably mistaking the amount of vram mine has (1GB).

if you're going to get a second gaming monitor (that's if it's a second gaming one) then I'd recommend you either save up for the amd r9 280x, or the Gtx 770. Good gpu's for the prices, and are quite good when doing dual monitors.


Or, I think this is the best option, is just get the same gpu you have already, and put it in SLI, only if your motherboard supports it, and if you have enough psu power. 


Remember, two gpu's in Crossfire will work better with dual monitors than the higher end gpu's. so you'd probably be getting the Gtx 780 Ti - Amd r9 290x performance with those in Crossfire.


Here's the performance of the Amd radeon 7850 Crossfire, vs the Gtx 780 Ti:


They come pretty close! I hope i've helped with your decision.

You're definitely influencing me. My only problem with AMD is the drivers available and of course there's no shadowplay :S I'll defintely think it over; either way I'm pretty dead set on getting a GPU next. Either the same one I have now or a new nvidia gpu.

Thanks for all the help guys ;)


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Quick update:

Cant crossfire with my current mobo, at least it's not recommended.


Gonna probably just save for a higher end nvidia gpu ;)


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