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Bring back hands.

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I want the hands to make a return to Raid. I loved the hands before the update, and now, i can't even use them. I am not the only who wants the hands back. Loads of people would agree with me. Maybe put it as a secondary or just make it a primary and you unlock it at a high level.


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I want the hands to make a return to Raid. I loved the hands before the update, and now, i can't even use them. I am not the only who wants the hands back. Loads of people would agree with me. Maybe put it as a secondary or just make it a primary and you unlock it at a high level.


are you talking about these hands?




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I want the hands to make a return to Raid. I loved the hands before the update, and now, i can't even use them. I am not the only who wants the hands back. Loads of people would agree with me. Maybe put it as a secondary or just make it a primary and you unlock it at a high level.

Can you be more specific? If it wasnt for Darmuh I literally had no fucking idea what you were saying lol


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dude, i love the hands. i feel like i strafe better with them. they're also pretty cool.


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Hes talking about the free run hands i think

you get those with the dog/wolf characters

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It would be nice if they were a an unlock (level 50 or something) but yeah, I agree, i love the free run hands, I like the way how they look, and I tend to strafe better like everyone else says :D


Darmuh; for the Wolf/Dog characters, nobody really uses them because you can't pick up weapons, you only have the freerun hands :<


So if there could be an update for that, so you get the freerun hands, and you can pick weapons up when in a sniper room, I think everybody would buy vip ^^


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Don't make it vip, cmon. They're just hands. Just give every player on spawn the hands as secondary weapon.


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It would be nice if they were a an unlock (level 50 or something) but yeah, I agree, i love the free run hands, I like the way how they look, and I tend to strafe better like everyone else says :D


Darmuh; for the Wolf/Dog characters, nobody really uses them because you can't pick up weapons, you only have the freerun hands :<


So if there could be an update for that, so you get the freerun hands, and you can pick weapons up when in a sniper room, I think everybody would buy vip ^^



Ok just to clairfy. The "hands" you speak of are called knife_mp and have been replaced by the new knife_mp (1.3 knife). So we wont be "replacing them."


And I feel it's fine how it is now. If you REALLY want to use the hands it shouldn't matter whether you get to use weapons or not.


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If you REALLY want to use the hands it shouldn't matter whether you get to use weapons or not.

He means when you're the wolf when you enter a sniper room at the end of a map you don't get given the sniper, so you're forced to knife. I think it would be good to run around using the 'hands' but when you finish and open up old he can whip out a different weapon? So say you have hands as primary weapon but you can also choose a secondary weapon (for very high levels only).

I think that would be a nice addition :)


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Don't make it vip, cmon. They're just hands. Just give every player on spawn the hands as secondary weapon.

you can unlock the dog without vip. :Dave:


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yeah u can in level 68 but the picture is marelton though (bo 2 character)


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