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GrapesFTW Application

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Do you accept the requirements?: Yes
What is your real name?: Jean Carlos Gonzalez
What is your in-game name?:GrapesFTW

How old are you?: 13

What is your primary server?: Raid Deathrun
What is your B3 CID?: @21

What is your Xfire?: GrapesFTW
What is your Skype?: itsGrapeHD

What is your Steam?: Kinochi-Chan
What is your Origin?: None
What makes you a good admin?:I think what makes me a good admin is i wouldnt abuse and i already have been an admin on a different server so i know what to do when it comes to handling a situation. Also since raid was the first server i joined when i first started playing deathrun, i have come to love it and the community so i wouldn't do anything to harm it.

What skills do you have?: I have no skills when it comes to programming or mapping but if necessary i can and will.

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: In total i have only been in two clans, Pure and FISH, I still am currently in FISH.
Why should we choose you?: I think i should be chosen to be trial admin because i have been in the server for several months, and i have gotten the gist of how things work around the server. Also im always in deathrun and see people constantly breaking the rules yet there is no admin on and i cant do anything about it.


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Really mature, active, calm and a player always great to have on the server. I know him very well because he's been very active and friendly.

Trust me, he would become a very good admin!

Good luck mate :)


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Grapes is a cool guy.. He's not a cool guy actually HES AN AWESOME GUY!

Anyway most of the time he respect rules and is just generally a nice person :3




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admin material, super active and just a great person!

Good luck ;)


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good luck. Nice most of the time, Rages some though. GL


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Grapes, Honestly. You're such a nublet. But, I guess that's uncurable for you :dave:


Would be a good admin, I'd give him a shot.


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I've known you for a bit and I must say that you are truly a nubzor

Anyways, good luck and hopefully we won't have to repeat what we did on ts again ;)

Edit: Derped


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He would be better than Zack and Gabe imo

Huehuehue :D



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He would be better than Zack and Gabe imo

Huehuehue :D

QueNNch as u aren't an admin you wouldn't know, but i am inactive for a reason atm...


OT: Good luck dude!  You are on all the time.  You have a positive attitude, and most of all a mature person.


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QueNNch as u aren't an admin you wouldn't know, but i am inactive for a reason atm...


OT: Good luck dude!  You are on all the time.  You have a positive attitude, and most of all a mature person.


Look at my admin work on iceops servers and then say. Well, I've seen even better admins on there.

(No intent to advertising)


Also, this isn't related to your activity or inactivity, but your attention when you're there. I'm not trying to sound like a lifeless dick who's too strict with this stuff...




but just giving a 'payback' because you took my statement seriously!

:P :P  :P  :P 


P.S. Dude you take everything way too seriously though, look at Zack. Maybe it's because of your changes in puberty as a result of mood swings but remember how upset you were when everyone used to downvote you and you thought we all hate you?


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I've known you for a bit and I must that that you are truly a nubzor

Anyways, good luck and hopefully we won't have to repeat what we did on ts again ;)

Lol what do you mean by "i must that that"..

English Anti... Please.. cx


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Lol what do you mean by "i must that that"..

English Anti... Please.. cx

Lol simple, he likes you :lol:


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I must say that*



He forgot to type say and typed that twice.



nubs :P


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Lol wat due u men by "i must that that"..

Engihs Anti... Peas. cx

What? cx

Anyways, English and self error

Need to repair my syste-... I mean proof read ^^

My bad :>


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I must say that*



He forgot to type say and typed that twice.



nubs :P


Holy shit, I still read it as "I must say that" even after grapesftw pointed it out and that's why I was so confused what's wrong with Anti's post XD


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C'mon admins decide on GrapesFTW asap :P

I say he's good for a trial ;)


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I say NO to grapes bb 




Pretty good person but I make fun of him all the time :)



and Quennch they can't accept him they have to accept me 1st or DDoS you know this m8 jk


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C'mon admins decide on GrapesFTW asap :P

I say he's good for a trial ;)

we all have different opinions ^^


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we all have different opinions ^^

Yeah I'm not trying to put this in a hurry (I have no say anyway) but just showing the excitement and trust I have on him for being a raid admin.

It's your board of admins decision in the end I know :p


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We'll decide eventually, but it won't be instant and we will not rush it, to make sure that we choose the right people for the job, instead of going for the most amount of admins possible. Whether or not he is a good admin will be seen if and when we decide, which is the point of a trial admin period.


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Um...? Sounds good so YEAAHH >:3


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