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Some Deathrun Map Idea's By Xenon

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XENON, pls make more youtube videos, so i can learn to map

Watch tutorial to learn how to use the different tools/techniques but the real skill is being able to apply these to make something look detailed.


I know how to do lots in radiant but i suck at applying it but with practice I'm getting better.


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Watch tutorial to learn how to use the different tools/techniques but the real skill is being able to apply these to make something look detailed.


I know how to do lots in radiant but i suck at applying it but with practice I'm getting better.




i was referring to the scripting part of it with the triggers

idfk how to script mate.


Did you know read that Sheep? He said scripting... 


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Can still practice, mod tools does come with loads of stock gsc scripts >.>


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My First idea is a Steam punk themed map , lots of copper pipes and brass pipes with steam coming out , gears and cogs all over the place, just think rusty metal , lots of smoke , old kinda style ( like the movie Wild Wild West with will smith !! )

Gonna give this topic a BUMP! I've made a little start on this (hopefully no one else has already done it). Here's what I've got so far - I intend on adding way more detail so don't worry, this is all I've had time for this morning.


Tell me what else I should include and whether the door system is okay!


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Lovin that door Sentrex! Flows so nice, maybe have it open up a little slower, maybe think about something with an exploding pipe, and steam blurs your vision, then kills you xD


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 exploding pipe, and steam blurs your vision, then kills you xD

Funny you should say that, I'm doing that atm :p


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