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Pulse Admin Application

13 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Mohit Patel

What is your in-game name?: Sc|Pulse

How old are you?: 13

What is your primary server?: Raid Deathrun. Can be active on Fun server and CJ server.

What is your B3 CID?: @1918

What is your Xfire?: xPulse7

What is your Skype?: ThePimpRobot

What is your Steam?: Don't use Steam anymore.

What is your Origin?: None.

What makes you a good admin?: I'm can be very mature at times when i need to be and i always try to keep my cool and not act crazy. I am a very truthful and responsible person. I never lie when its a serious manner. ( I only lie if i am joking with my friends :P) I have never been an admin on any servers, but i have seen a lot of the commands other admins and trial admins use in-game. I am also a very fast learner. :) I know all the rules and i can abide them and know when someone is doing something that is breaking the rules.

What skills do you have?: I can make some GFX for Raid. I have started GFX recently, but i have been learning quite quickly.










What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I am currently in Styx community and i was part of the Blur community when it was still up.

Why should we choose you?: You should choose me because i am a very fair player and i would never abuse any of my powers. I can tell when someone is joking around or verbally abusing someone in-game. You should also choose me because i have been on the Raid Deathrun for a long time now and i have gotten to know a lot of the people in the server and how they act. Sometimes i see people spamming and saying some unnecessary stuff to other players and no admins are on at the time. The last reason you should choose me is because i am very very active. I am on the server for about 4 hours each day. :D


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Great guy, would be a very good admin! Active, and respectful. Good Luck man. :)


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Really awesome and fun guy to play with, he would definently be a fine admin, recommended!


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Wow, extremely mature for his age! Would make a brilliant admin in my opinion


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I've known him since the days of Blur, and he's never been mean/annoying/harmful to anyone, In my opinion, he would make a great admin, for these simple reasons;

1.) He's Active

2.) Extremely Mature for his age

3.) Respectful to others

4.) Follows the rules

5.) Amazing at deathrun :3

Good luck Pulse!


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PULSE!!! Pulse is a cool squeaker, not like your normal average everyday annoying squeaker, HE's MY SQUEAKER! Pulse is calm cool and collected for the most part. I think he deserves a chance in the raids. But may need to watch his mouth a little bit. 



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Very nice guy to talk to and play with. Nice to others and respectful. He is also pro at deathrun. :P Recommended.


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Pulse is a great guy i known since i started playing deathrun. He is very respectful, good at strafing, and a good friend. So good luck Pulse.  :banana:


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Pulse has requested that his application would be locked/cancelled

Wanted to learn to control himself and deal with people better

Mature decision on his behalf



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