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IGN: YOLO Write?


Real Name: |Swag|Master :9 A.K.A Ashton :D


Why should you choose me? Well Im Not new i just reset my self by making a new account but this is why. so i love this death-run server so much even know im not some great play like FOV TIME! AND JUST AND STUFF. But i do love talking to the player and hanging out with them and having fun! I Would love to have more fun being admin i know its not just about that but i will also warn people make shure no offensive language and no hackers EXT.. No aim-bot. So thatnk you for reading this part of my application! NEXT!!!


What i should warn you about: OK there is something bad about me :/ I am very verryyyy ADHD So im veryy crazy and can be a handful so that's why i get detracted and very crazy!! But im still alsome! so i hope you read this thanks again hope i meat you!


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Read the god damn requirements and use the template provided GAAAH :angryarnold:


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