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YouTube Channel - Cod4Unkn0wn (Phelix :>)

6 posts in this topic

For those who have been watching my stream, thanks! it's always appreciated! Recently i have been getting into Minecraft stuff and have had received minecraft projects with deadlines so haven't really been streaming map much however, the point of this is to notify all you Minecraft lovers out their that i will be posting minecraft content on my new youtube channel! Would be appreciated if you guys could help by checking out some of the content i will be posting and give feedback, If you've wanted to know how to do some of the things that i have produced ( not so much yet ) be sure to comment as i will take most requests into consideration. With that being said i would also like suggestions of tutorials of what you guys want, if you want to know how to install shaders i'd be happy to make a tutorial! I recently posted a minecraft video of camera studio's mod which was a very long awaited mod that most people wanted, tell me what you think:



I can also give full details on how i make cinematics as such^


I recommend that you watch it 720p for orgasm!!


As for contacts:


xfire: theunkn0wnone

skype: j0rdz321




Be sure to follow me on twitch and subscribe on youtube to keep up to date on the content i post and when i livestream! Thanks :)


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Good luck with the channel! I used to do alot with minecraft on my channel Including shaders mod.


The channel seems Great just remember to post frequently. I got lazy and just started editing videos my friends/family make, and my channel's growing speed slowed down


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Wait so we can make threads about our channels now?

Anyway, I loved that video and when you said 'it's rendered' in chat I thought you made a blender animation or something. After watching it I was like minecraft?

When you replied to my comment I felt so bloody dumb. On an old server, I'd made like 3-4 videos and they're on my channel. I did exactly what you did but I had like a much older version of seus :p

Maybe later, we could have a little contest like 'Who can make minecraft look the best?'.


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That is amazing! Very nice work! I actually really like it!

Very nice song choice too, once again, good job Phelix!!!!


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Well i wasn't sure if i could, it was in general discussion so i presumed i could.  If this is against any kind of rules or anything you can delete the thread i don't mind :)


Thanks, i'm working on a couple of things for the moment. 


- Tutorial on how to install camera studio mod

- Cinematic for the whole stadium, as that video was just a test ( ofcourse will contain better editing )

- Working on intro in cinema 4d with minecraft scene

- Cinematic for a different friend


So quite bit of work to do, bare in mind each recording is 30 minutes long to get smoothness to a decent level. Hopefully i'll get my intro and tutorial done today as i've been working on them all morning!


Thanks for the feedback though, i appreciate it :)


dat steve though:




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