
Scrubz' Application

13 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Dan

What is your in-game name?: Scrubz

How old are you?: 15, I turn 16 June 5th (Next week)

What is your primary server?: Deathrun! I also play on Cod Jumper, and sometimes I will join the fun server

What is your B3 CID?: @189

What is your Xfire?: ImScrubz (I don't use it anymore I use steam)

What is your Skype?: imscrubz

What is your Steam?: scrubydubdub

What is your Origin?: Don't Remember

What makes you a good admin?: First off I play almost everyday. And if I'm on, good chance I'm on the cj or dr server. So ill always be on the lookout. From time to time, I will join the fun server. Been multiple times where I have seen people with aim bot. I realize I can just mention it to another admin but by the time they get into the server... either the person has already left or the game is already over. I enjoy the the population and the personality of the server. Many admins here i know from RV. I get along with everyone, although some people I have met on the server have been extremely immature. I guess we all are at some point  :P I'm beginning to come on team speak more often now so I can meet everyone I don't know. So everyone can know my personality outside of the server.

What skills do you have?: I don't know how to map or script, but i can learn if necessary. Mapping looks pretty straight forward, scripting I may need some help with. I have a good taste of graphics or looks if that is what to call it. I believe I could make a decent map. We'll see  :P  I also have some knowledge with  Photoshop and C4D. Like I said I have a good taste for graphics so I work magic on Photoshop  ;) 

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: RV, FNRP

Why should we choose you?: As I stated before I was a member in RV. I have never been an admin... but I have put a ton of hours on cod 4 between RV and RAID. I believe I have around 25 days played. So i have experienced many occasions on either server of hacking/cheating/people breaking rules. I generally know the rules of the server, and know what to do if I come across anything. I'm in teamspeak often so I can always ask questions if needed. I'm not getting bored with cod4 and don't believe I will as long as we continue to cycle the maps on the servers. So in other words... I'm here for the long run  B)  


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Something I forgot to mention.. I'm beginning to be more active on forums as well. I always have them open, but I didn't open my mouth much. Ill be sure to get better in that area :D 


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Talked to him on teamspeak a couple times and seems nice!


He is also pretty good at dr :P

Anyways Good luck :D


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He keeps on calling me ''noob'' and to go outside more (Hes joking i believe) He is active on deathrun. Good luck bud.  :doge:


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He keeps on calling me ''noob'' and to go outside more... Hes not really that active. I see him Tuesdays or Fridays. But anyways good luck. :doge:

Please avoid saying that as it will just start an argument, the admins are there to see upon that


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Tuesdays and Fridays are the days I'm not on ;) i have work on Friday+Saturday nights, and I go to my dads on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But even on those days.. I'm still on during the day. That is just night business. Not everyone can be on 24/7  :P


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Has requested for application to be closed and denied


Appreciate you applying 


Have fun with the Xnub ;)


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