
Form Submission: Admin Applications

9 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Noah Lanning
What is your in-game name?: Grezwal
How old are you?: 14
What is your primary server?: Both
What is your B3 CID?: 165
What is your Xfire?: Grezwal
What is your Skype?: sasfa11
What is your Steam?: Grezwal
What is your Origin?: Grezwal
What makes you a good admin?: I think what would make me a goo admin is that i like to play on both servers frequently and i see lots of rule breaking. I like to keep orderly chaos.
What skills do you have?: I am very educated i make all A's when i try. My vocabulary is immense in size, I have NO programming skills but if someone can teach me :). I think i can map if i put some work into it but i can't script.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I was a Styx recruit for a while but was denied for unsaid reasons, I used to be a Blur fanboy, I am currently in FISH Gaming.
Why should we choose you?: I think you should choose me because I play on the server quite a bit. It eats at me when i see a rule breaker and they are affecting another players experience with cod4. I am a friendly guy if you come across me at the right time. I am quite active on the Deathrun and Fun server. I feel like if and when the time came i would be perfectly capable of making an effective decision. also although i am 14 going on 15 Jan 28th :) i feel am a mature person.

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Does tend to immaturely insult other members of the community on teamspeak. Hope to see you more often on the server.. Good luck, hope for the best.



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i know i have insulted certain people but i have apologized.


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What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I was a Styx recruit for a while but was denied for unsaid reasons' date=' I used to be a Blur fanboy, I am currently in FISH Gaming.



Anyways, I like the guy. I haven't witnessed him raging that much at people, but yet again I haven't been too active myself. Based on what I've seen, he's a pretty laid back guy and I doubt he'd abuse unless provoked to, or some other incident.

And no, I'm not just saying this because he's in |FISH|. :dave:


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Im really active on the servers so i know grezwal is pretty calm not a problem to others. good luck!


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