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Admin app

13 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?:  Tommy

What is your in-game name?: Bumba

How old are you?: 16

What is your primary server?: Deathrun

What is your B3 CID?: @239

What is your Xfire?: bumbaftw

What is your Steam?: bumbaftw

What is your Origin?: I don't know forgot.



What makes you a good admin?:


I'm a good admin because I have previously been a B3 admin on styx server (only with 20 power) but I learnt skills in being able to deal with trouble makers who don't follow the rules. I don't lose my temper easily and will remain calm if someone is breaking the rules and won't go ahead and instantly ban them, I would ask them to stop first then carry it on from there with either a warn, kick or ban depending on the situation, most likely warns.



What skills do you have?:


I make videos and gfx you can find my youtube at




this is my most proud and best video I ever made:



Don't really have any gfx to show since I reinstalled windows not long ago.



What clans/communities/forums have you been at?:


Styx, btw if anyone at styx reads this and thinks I'm trying to "multi clan" please know that it's just admin and I won't be wearing any sort of tag  :)




Why should we choose you?:


You should choose me because lately I've been over playing the deathrun server and it will probably continue like that since I like deathrun and I'm out of school, seems to be the only thing I enjoy playing at the moment. I am on at very awkward times due to my ever changing sleep schedule so usually there's points at which I'm on the server and there is no admins online.



Thanks for reading my application and I hope it gets considered  ^_^


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Awesome dude :) Great application, I wish the best of luck


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Bumba would make an excellent admin. Good Luck!!


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Bumba is active on the deathrun server quite a bit! Good luck, and I hope to see you become admin.


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Bumba's one of the people I know back from the early days of Blur, in around a year of playing Deathrun/CJ with him I can honestly say I've never seem him out of line. Personally, I think he would make a great admin.


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Bumba deserves to be an admin on raid servers. He is reliable, trustworthy and does things quick without any difficulties.


Good Luck and hope you do the best.  


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Very nice guy, Really enjoy my time talking to him. Also very skilled in mapping. Good luck!


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To start good luck sir, with getting admin. Your a very cool guy and i've known you since back in the JoKe'| days and when your were given admin on that i never saw you abuse etc (Eventhough joke was an abusive server :>)


And the fact that you've made two maps can also be pretty good to have another mapper on raid's team Maybe even some raid only maps eh? :D


Good luck sir hope you get admin m8


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