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-Fixed bugs

-Removed fov changer

-Improved endrooms


Fixed,  can now download :DDD


Hi, this is my new map spacetunnel. This is my first attempt of doing a small easy map. Hope you enjoy :D


Author of map: Sheep Wizard


Map name: mp_dr_spacetunnel


Map size: short


Traps: 7


End rooms:Sniper, Knife


Difficulty: easy








Other info:

Thanks to FeZe Dench (Rickster) for letting me use his server to test map and the people who helped test the map


Please report any bugs to me here of msg me on xfire: paap15


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YUUS you finished this!
Awesome man!
Can't wait to play it on raid :3


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Can't wait to play this map! Looks great, nice job Sheep Wizard.


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You shouldve made a low gravity room :P


anyways, map looks good c: 


//just realized how stupid this comment is, lol


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I remember reading in the shoutbox you said the map was bugged and you were working on a fix. Is this still true?

Waiting for an answer before uploading :)


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I remember reading in the shoutbox you said the map was bugged and you were working on a fix. Is this still true?

Waiting for an answer before uploading :)

Yer its fixed you can download now


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Map is great, but the only thing that annoys me is when it teleports, it changes your FOV, Because I play on a high fov scale (fovscale 1.3) when it teleports me, I have to change it back, not sure if there is a way to fix this? :okay: 


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Yah i play high fov scale as well.. Anyways good looking map pal  ;)


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Map is great, but the only thing that annoys me is when it teleports, it changes your FOV, Because I play on a high fov scale (fovscale 1.3) when it teleports me, I have to change it back, not sure if there is a way to fix this? :okay:


Of course it's possible, just takes a bit more effort.



level.playerfov = GetDvarInt( "cg_fovscale" )
to get the player's fov scale and then in the teleport script define fov as

player setclientdvar( "cg_fovscale", level.playerfov+5);
or however you'd like to do it.

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If it changes your fov scale, then put it back where it was :dave: It's not that hard. I am looking forward to play this map.


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Of course it's possible, just takes a bit more effort.



level.playerfov = GetDvarInt( "cg_fovscale" )
to get the player's fov scale and then in the teleport script define fov as

player setclientdvar( "cg_fovscale", level.playerfov+5);
or however you'd like to do it.


I did try this before but I used GetDvar and it didnt work, but i just tried it with GetDvarInt and it does work, i'll update it later, thanks.


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I did try this before but I used GetDvar and it didnt work, but i just tried it with GetDvarInt and it does work, i'll update it later, thanks.


You needed to use GetDvarInt as the only way to add onto the dvar would be if it were an integer. GetDvar returns a string I believe which is why it would not work.


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I really like this map, and the theme so great job!


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Here's the script if you still need it


my_fovscale = GetDvarInt( "cg_fovscale" );
self.xx = newClientHudElem(self);
self.xx.x = 0;
self.xx.y = 0;
self.xx.alignX = "left";		
self.xx.alignY = "top";
self.xx.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
self.xx.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
self.xx.alpha = 0;
self.xx.color = (0,0,0);
self.xx setshader("white", 640, 480);	
self.xx.alpha = 0.1;
wait 0.1;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.05);
self.xx.alpha = 0.2;
wait 0.1;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.1);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.3;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.15);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.4;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.2);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.5;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.25);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.6;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.3);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.7;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.35);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.8;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale + 0.4);
self setOrigin(level.fovtp.origin);
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", my_fovscale);
self.xx.alpha = 0;

Edit: Still doesnt fix the problem. Doing self GetDvarInt( "cg_fovscale" ); causes an unknown function error so I'm still looking for a fix.

Edit 2: Making my_fovscale a self variable by doing self.my_fovscale = GetDvarInt( "cg_fovscale" ); didn't throw any syntax errors, but the player's fov will still be reset. I'm fairly certain the only way to properly fix this would be to add a self stat for the dvar like we have done for fullbright and to use the stat rather than the GetDvarInt function.

The code from edit 2:

self.my_fovscale = GetDvarInt( "cg_fovscale" );
self.xx = newClientHudElem(self);
self.xx.x = 0;
self.xx.y = 0;
self.xx.alignX = "left";		
self.xx.alignY = "top";
self.xx.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
self.xx.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
self.xx.alpha = 0;
self.xx.color = (0,0,0);
self.xx setshader("white", 640, 480);	
self.xx.alpha = 0.1;
wait 0.1;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.05);
self.xx.alpha = 0.2;
wait 0.1;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.1);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.3;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.15);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.4;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.2);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.5;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.25);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.6;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.3);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.7;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.35);
wait 0.1;
self.xx.alpha = 0.8;
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale + 0.4);
self setOrigin(level.fovtp.origin);
self setclientdvar ("cg_fovscale", self.my_fovscale);
self.xx.alpha = 0;

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