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Slaya's Application :>

17 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes


What is your real name?: Jordy Rymenants


What is your in-game name?: GCZ|Slaya


How old are you?: 15


What is your primary server?: Deathrun (I play CO from time to time too, but not too often)


What is your B3 CID?: @28795


What is your Xfire?: jrimaginebe


What is your Skype?: JR-Imagine


What is your Steam?: JR-Imagine


What is your Origin?: JR-Imagine


What makes you a good admin?: I've never administrated/moderated a server before but I have forum administrating/moderating eperience from a couple different sites I've been part of. From these experiences I know how to handle things, when to ban and when not to ban etc. I can be mature when needed but like having a good laugh from time to time. :)


What skills do you have?: Scripting, being a noob mapper, game dev, web dev, I speak a tiny bit of Latin, French and German, ...


What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I'm currently admin/site technician at GCZ, a world at war custom zombies modding forum/community.


Why should we choose you?: I want to keep the game fun for everyone, meaning keeping hackers/cheaters out to improve everyone's experience. I obey the rules and enforce them (even now, when I'm not an admin I try to lead people into the right direction). I'm quite active on DR and have a l33t undercover name (which most people already now, but k) so I can catch hackers/cheaters/any other rulebreakers.


If anyone still has any questions, feel free to ask. :>


Ps: I'm a nub at filling out forms. :dave:


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Amazing person to play with and talk to.


Really creative at making maps.


Good luck Slaya.


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Amazing mapper, faggot music though change that shit ;)


Lovely guy to speak to, follows rules but i havent really seen you tell or warn people for spam / insulting? idk maybe i just havent seen u enough!


anyways, /recommended 


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Slaya finally got a pair and decided to try his hand admin, Good on your bro:3


Anyway good player, Nice person in general (The way he says k den... Is magical) and has made a buncha not bad maps so thats always a positive, havent known him for that long.. or have i? :3 oh well anyway nice chap much love good luck 


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Dis kid, Dis kid who's a faggot and calls me Staan :< 


Good luck man, 


As for purity saying 'faggot music' not everyone likes the type of music you like, if you don't like the music in a map, mute your fucking sound. 


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Why does siikd00d get downvoted for saying goodLuck, Gawd some people must not like you eh :'D :dave:


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Why does siikd00d get downvoted for saying goodLuck, Gawd some people must not like you eh :'D


He's going for that UNDER 9000 reputation, duh.


As for slaya, nice guy, fun to play with and I would recommend for trial.


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Thanks guyz! :>


He's going for that UNDER 9000 reputation, duh.

This. ^


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