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[WIP] mp_dr_dawn

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So after many, many, many, Failed attempts at making maps, I've decided to give it one last go, If this fails, I won't be trying any more, So, Here are some screens of what I've got so far, Credits to Sentrex for helping with with FX, Any suggestion for things to be added/removed in the rooms that I've pictured, Feel free to give criticism :)







 After First Teleport? (not sure what to call it)




First trap




Climbing trap or something




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Looks sweet so far Steb! :D It will be interesting when we all get to play it  :xd:  :happycry:


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I like it but it's another map that has no theme and uses the same textures that are meant to be used in their proper situations.

p.s lighting :dave:


you placed lights where there aren't even any models.. gj



these emit no light o.O


you don't need lights on the floor to light the floor up.

should have used spotlights man.


also you had way too many light models (and lights ofc), don't you know how to change the radius and intensity of lights?

owell, nevermind, just some things that get me annoyed. 

I guess it's decent for a first release.


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I will 99% change the lights, I'll mess around with lights later on, Will remove the lights away from the floor, Will add the purple lights as spotlights emitting onto the Fire FX, 


Idk why though, It just seems that maps without themes seem to be the most played on different servers, I was making a scary one, but it was too hard for my level of mapping/scripting skills


So I went for one without a theme, and that happened, Ty for feedback!


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As for frosty, y u do dis D: 


He wasn't talking to you.


Nice looking map, love dat fx doe. (P.S) I don't really think Darmuhv2 had a theme and that map is still one of the most popular maps. ^^


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O right, I thought frosty was speaking to me because I released a shitty map called multi


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Make it a hard map with challenging traps, don't make it easy and full of boring traps that you can master in 2 rounds


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I have quite a lot of ideas for traps, just getting it in the map with my skillz 


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Looks better than anything you ever made

If you're speaking to jwofles you're grossly underestimating what he is capable of. Not only that, but you're insulting him for what? Giving constructive criticism? Frosty pls.

And if you're speaking to staab, that's a backhanded compliment if i've ever seen one man...

A bit off topic but:

(P.S) I don't really think Darmuhv2 had a theme and that map is still one of the most popular maps. ^^

Darmuhv2 was my first map (excuse the v2 I was an idiot) and yes you are correct it does not have a theme. I would not use it as an example of what to put in a map though. The only reason it's "popular" is because it's short, easy to finish, and gives plenty of xp. So in other words it's very "noob friendly."

But anyone who's played enough deathrun comes to despise the map in due time.


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Darmuh sticks up for me :wub:

P.s dat ain't even my best :happy:

On topic-

I kinda of agree with sheep but don't make the map itself hard. Right now it looks like you have a pretty good balance. If you make a map too hard, everyone won't play it or go in the secret (if there is one) instead. Hard traps you can't avoid is good and you get a great feeling slaughtering somebody who thinks they're speed running the map and leaving the activator behind.

If the map was really hard, how would new players react to it? They'd just give up since they die on the first bounce. You can make the map easy but it has to have hard traps like sheep said. The traps put the death in deathrun. Maps aren't meant to kill you on their own, you don't want everybody to die on a strafe because it's the activators job to kill the players not the maps.

#rant #2k14 #haterzgundwnvote #ilovedarmuh


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So true wofles, the map so far is pretty easy, but that's coming from me, as for first trap something on it will be added so it just isn't shitty spinning platforms. As for the climbing shit I was Hoping to make them drop 90 degrees at random times, I have pretty ideas for every trap, but some will be random. So one round it might be a platform that rotates, or a spinning blade, like laboratory (not exact copy) so no one will expect it


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pls make ping friendly traps  :foreveralone: anyway map looks amazing


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pls make ping friendly traps  :foreveralone: anyway map looks amazing


Fakn traps that spin 720 degrees in 0.5 seconds that are impossible to land on unless 14 ping, pls no.


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Looking good Staab, cheers for the credit!

If anyone else would like an amateurly made effect then feel free to ask


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Looking good Staab, cheers for the credit!

If anyone else would like an amateurly made effect then feel free to ask


Hm, I'm dabbing and just messing around with some fx, made some pretty weird stuff so far, but if i ever need help i will ask :P


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looks crap, name doesn't fit the theme or style of a map.

If only we could have the old Braxi back, if only.


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Fakn traps that spin 720 degrees in 0.5 seconds that are impossible to land on unless 14 ping, pls no.





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Exactly like that but those traps were shit :dumb:


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Why would I care if BraXi called it crap? She made the mod, woopdie fucking do, it's up the the PLAYERS of the mod to create what players want to play, there is no point in sitting there for months on fucking end making a detailed map that no one will vote for because their PC's can't run it. All that time making a nice looking detailed map, gone. Why would I do that? It's pointless, The average deathrun player doesn't care about detail. They care about if the map is fun to play, if it isn't fun to play, they won't vote for it. After playing deathrun for about 1 1/2 years, I can fair enough say that. It's pretty much always been that way, look at the map SG1 Map looks amazing, no one votes it? why? because everyone prefers maps that are easy, simple, and that they can actually run. Why would people want to play boring ass maps, I agree that maps like takecare, watchit, short_v4 ect, was where it was at back in 1.1 or so, but time is changing, a lot more players are playing, and newer players probably don't have the most beefy PC to run maps, I'm not saying cod4 is a hard game to run, it isn't but if you're gonna make a map so detailed that it kills fps and someone hates playing, they won't vote it and all of YOUR time will be wasted. 

this is the way I'm making MY map, 99.999999% chance you won't ever end up playing it, so why do you care how it looks? not everyone's standards are like yours. I would have though you being the maker of what has to be one of the biggest cod4 mods to date, would encourage more and more people to start making maps, not telling them to 'kill themselves' when they make 1 thing wrong? if only you were the same.


-Rant over.


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there is no point in sitting there for months on fucking end making a detailed map that no one will vote for because their PC's can't run it. All that time making a nice looking detailed map, gone. Why would I do that? It's pointless, 



Making a map is art, you want your art to be the best, now how many times it's played. If you only care about how many times your map is played then you should stop trying to map because you clearly only care about becoming 'famous' than actually bringing quality maps to the community



The average deathrun player doesn't care about detail. They care about if the map is fun to play, if it isn't fun to play, they won't vote for it. After playing deathrun for about 1 1/2 years, I can fair enough say that. It's pretty much always been that way, look at the map SG1 Map looks amazing, no one votes it? why? because everyone prefers maps that are easy, simple,


Wouldn't say it's fair to use SG1 as a map due to being quite buggy from the last time i played it.



 and that they can actually run. Why would people want to play boring ass maps,


I find the same old non-detail maps boring ass maps because they feel like each other but slapped on with different textures, all the popular maps has some cod jumper "secret" a secret that everyone knows about? must be a shit secret. But all the popular maps has the same shit in common which makes the gameplay boring.



 I agree that maps like takecare, watchit, short_v4 ect, was where it was at back in 1.1 or so, but time is changing, a lot more players are playing, and newer players probably don't have the most beefy PC to run maps, I'm not saying cod4 is a hard game to run, it isn't but if you're gonna make a map so detailed that it kills fps and someone hates playing, they won't vote it and all of YOUR time will be wasted. 

If your pc can't run cod4 than you're clearly running a 8-10 year old machine that shouldn't be used for gaming unless the game was made back in the early 21st centry but even if powerful PC get bad fps than it's the mapper fault for not optimizing his map properly and guess what? No current deathrun "mappers" even optimize their map and they think they're pro at mapping and telling others how to map and making video tutorials when they don't even know half the stuff in radiant so it's pretty much a newbie trying to teach a newbie which means the newbie will make even more mistakes than the newbie that 'taught' him



this is the way I'm making MY map, 99.999999% chance you won't ever end up playing it, so why do you care how it looks? not everyone's standards are like yours. I would have though you being the maker of what has to be one of the biggest cod4 mods to date, would encourage more and more people to start making maps, not telling them to 'kill themselves' when they make 1 thing wrong? if only you were the same.


You've just posted a WIP of your map and you're asking us why we care how it looks? Why post your project and ask us for criticism and then end up asking us why we care... :facepalm:


Deathrun is one of the biggest mod to date but the quality and imagination of the maps that comes with the mod are quite bad only 3/10 maps that are produced these days are good and different. But yes, i don't agree on people telling them to kill themselves over some pixels on their screen.


But braxi is half right, the name of the map doesn't fit the theme just like darmuh latest map :troll: When i hear dawn as a map i expect a hellish undead place.(mainly because of films like dawn of the dead :>)


But the map doesn't look crap, textures are done well together but you need to sort out the texture face placement like here 




Anyway good luck with your map.


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I was saying to braxi why she cares how it looks, she won't ever play it, so why should it matter to her? :dumb:


but I pretty much agree with you on all of that. 


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