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[WIP] mp_dr_dawn

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If your pc can't run cod4 than you're clearly running a 8-10 year old machine that shouldn't be used for gaming unless the game was made back in the early 21st centry but even if powerful PC get bad fps than it's the mapper fault for not optimizing his map properly and guess what? No current deathrun "mappers" even optimize their map and they think they're pro at mapping and telling others how to map and making video tutorials when they don't even know half the stuff in radiant so it's pretty much a newbie trying to teach a newbie which means the newbie will make even more mistakes than the newbie that 'taught' him


I wonder how many people know that the light grid size decides about lighting (and shadowing) quality of the map or how to properly place portals to cull geometry and increase FPS. (not talking about homo triggers with that teleport you to all the "old" rooms nowadays). Oh, wait, do then know what portals/"portaling" is?


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I wonder how many people know that the light grid size decides about lighting (and shadowing) quality of the map or how to properly place portals to cull geometry and increase FPS. (not talking about homo triggers with that teleport you to all the "old" rooms nowadays). Oh, wait, do then know what portals/"portaling" is?

Oh? You seriously think there's no mappers out there who know what portalling is and/or how to do it? Well think again... I for one know exactly how to portal and I bet there's a couple others who know too. Instead of making false assumptions implying every mapper is a dumbass check your facts before bitching. Also, if you're so brilliant at portalling yourself, then how come none of your maps are portalled?


I am sick of seeing you bitch about every tiny thing you can come up with (and I'm sure a LOT of others are too), you yourself haven't done most of the things you're complaining about yourself. And to be honest, some of the things you complain about are total bullshit too *cough* C++ isn't the only viable scripting language for games *cough*.


This kind of behaviour is the kind that people with self confidence issues often show, trying to make others feel less than you to boost your ego. I wonder, do you have self confidence issues? As that is how you are coming across if you ask me.


After your actions, such as telling basically the whole dr community to go kill theirselves, you try to become part of the community again but constantly bitch and act like a 12 year old about everything she sees. That is NOT the way to try and gain the repsect of the community again.


Done ranting, now grow up and stop whining.


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Instead of making false assumptions implying every mapper is a dumbass check your facts before bitching.



C++ isn't the only viable scripting language for games

Stopped reading here :facepalm:



Edit: I was curious what's written down there, so I did read everything...


Oh? You seriously think there's no mappers out there who know what portalling is and/or how to do it? Well think again... I for one know exactly how to portal and I bet there's a couple others who know too. Instead of making false assumptions implying every mapper is a dumbass check your facts before bitching. Also, if you're so brilliant at portalling yourself, then how come none of your maps are portalled?


Again, you're putting my words into one bag that 'every mapper out there sucks and braxi is evil' which is complete bullshit and taking words out of context. Sure, I know about mappers who do know as much as me, or even a bit more and they've done a great job making maps which were fun, detailed and didn't have "secrets"(read Lossy's post) and unlike others they also didn't force people to listen to their favourite song or watch naked women pictures(not many maps, but still, bananaphone anybody?). If you're asking why my two deathrun maps aren't portaled the reason is simple - the geometry in these maps wasn't complex, both these maps worked fine on my single-core, celeron era pc with 64mb of video ram. "darkness" was a 1st map and a test map for early deathrun, and long wasnt complex enough to even deal with portals (due to layout of the map it wouldnt cut triscount too much and octree was enough).


If peoples stupidity didn't make them blind, they would notice that all those mappers who were making or were willing to make deathrun maps turned back because they've seen how this community is broken in regard of maps and mod customizations. Servers offering VIP+XP+aimbot for 5$/month. People totaly not carying about map quality but the names of songs in a map. I'm still get questions such as "hey braxi, what's the name of song in a xxxxxxx map?"




I am sick of seeing you bitch about every tiny thing you can come up with (and I'm sure a LOT of others are too), you yourself haven't done most of the things you're complaining about yourself. And to be honest, some of the things you complain about are total bullshit too *cough* C++ isn't the only viable scripting language for games *cough*.

And I am sick of those people who acuse me of jerkyness because i didn't continue development of theirs favourite mod because they did treat me like a slave who's willing to update it at all cost, let them do everything with the mod, often remove me from credits, and be their 24/7 customer support because people though "lets ask braxi, i have no time browsing forums to find an answer"x999 times.




This kind of behaviour is the kind that people with self confidence issues often show, trying to make others feel less than you to boost your ego. I wonder, do you have self confidence issues? As that is how you are coming across if you ask me.


It's not my ego, it's your lack of respect to those who spent part of their lifes doing mod which gets completly wrecked by maps, what's the sense of weeks spent bug-hunting and error-smashing in mod if a dozillion of maps comes with broken scripts which can potentialy crash server? OF COURSE, WE, NOT THE PEOPLE WHO MADE BROKEN MAPS WERE BLAMED FOR INSTABILITY. It's demotivating as fuck when you spent plenty of time and then get offended in one of another way for something which you're not responsible for.




After your actions, such as telling basically the whole dr community to go kill theirselves, you try to become part of the community again but constantly bitch and act like a 12 year old about everything she sees. That is NOT the way to try and gain the repsect of the community again.


Done ranting, now grow up and stop whining.


told that to one person as a joke, suprisingly i haven't started a suicide spree in DR's community :awesome: I'm not trying or even being a part of "community" which is technicaly broken in every possible aspect and which is owned by those, who are indeed 12-13 years old and have their over-edited servers.


It's funny how a crowd of moroons(yay, now tell me that I've called DR community like that [it might suprice you but you are not the whole community and not everyone's a moroon, but you certainly are, Sir]) is trying to shut me up because I'm showing what's broken and needs to be solved.

You could still play shit maps, watch porn pictures in maps (I haven't seen you complaining about them? is a picture of naked woman making your horney?


I'm probably not done ranting yet, but I certainly have no time to write everything down here.


5 downvotes / 2 upvotes


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Hid the whole reply in a spoiler to not make this page a lot longer:


Stopped reading here  :facepalm:

So now you're being ignorant too? You saying you stopped reading after my statement about C++ just proves my point even more. I don't even understand why you would say something like that as my points is actually valid unlike most of yours.




Again, you're putting my words into one bag that 'every mapper out there sucks and braxi is evil' which is complete bullshit and taking words out of context. Sure, I know about mappers who do know as much as me, or even a bit more and they've done a great job making maps which were fun, detailed and didn't have "secrets"(read Lossy's post) and unlike others they also didn't force people to listen to their favourite song or watch naked women pictures(not many maps, but still, bananaphone anybody?). If you're asking why my two deathrun maps aren't portaled the reason is simple - the geometry in these maps wasn't complex, both these maps worked fine on my single-core, celeron era pc with 64mb of video ram. "darkness" was a 1st map and a test map for early deathrun, and long wasnt complex enough to even deal with portals (due to layout of the map it wouldnt cut triscount too much and octree was enough).

It's not like you just implied exactly that by posting this:

I wonder how many people know that the light grid size decides about lighting (and shadowing) quality of the map or how to properly place portals to cull geometry and increase FPS. (not talking about homo triggers with that teleport you to all the "old" rooms nowadays). Oh, wait, do then know what portals/"portaling" is?

Anyways, you come here, complaining about portalling yet you have no idea what the map layout even looks like? I mean, all you have to judge from is a couple screenshots that show a couple rooms, you can't tell from the screens how these are layed out. And as you just said, it's pointless on certain maps because of their layout and/or detail scale. Judging by the screenshots, portalling would be nearly pointless unless he's gonna either add a lot of detail, make a more complex layout or make the map huge.


I also never said you were "evil", I simply pointed out how I (and a lot of others would agree with me on this) think about your posts and how your overal behaviour is in this community.



If peoples stupidity didn't make them blind, they would notice that all those mappers who were making or were willing to make deathrun maps turned back because they've seen how this community is broken in regard of maps and mod customizations. Servers offering VIP+XP+aimbot for 5$/month. People totaly not carying about map quality but the names of songs in a map. I'm still get questions such as "hey braxi, what's the name of song in a xxxxxxx map?"

Why would someone quit making a map for a mod they enjoy playing because other maps and/or mod customizations are "broken"?

> XP+aimbot :dumb: Just no words for this...

So you never have that moment when you hear a song but don't know the title yet you'd love to have it on your ipod/spotify/phone/wherever? I don't think anyone would play the mod if they didn't enjoy it just to listen to some music, shit maps don't get added to the good servers, end of story.



And I am sick of those people who acuse me of jerkyness because i didn't continue development of theirs favourite mod because they did treat me like a slave who's willing to update it at all cost, let them do everything with the mod, often remove me from credits, and be their 24/7 customer support because people though "lets ask braxi, i have no time browsing forums to find an answer"x999 times.

So now I have to feel sorry for you for not being able to handle the popularity of the mod? Anything that gets popular has a ton of people constantly asking for help, complaining, asking when there's gonna be an update etc. I do however agree that server owners shouldn't delete you from the credits, I respect your work and enjoy playing it and think others should respect it too.



It's not my ego, it's your lack of respect to those who spent part of their lifes doing mod which gets completly wrecked by maps, what's the sense of weeks spent bug-hunting and error-smashing in mod if a dozillion of maps comes with broken scripts which can potentialy crash server? OF COURSE, WE, NOT THE PEOPLE WHO MADE BROKEN MAPS WERE BLAMED FOR INSTABILITY. It's demotivating as fuck when you spent plenty of time and then get offended in one of another way for something which you're not responsible for.

My lack of respect? I had a lot of respect for you when I started playing deathrun and that respect only recently went away after seeing you constantly whine about every tiny little thing. Again, I repsect that you spent your time making this mod and appreciate it, but I can't stand behaviour like this. Also, every community is gonna have dumbasses, no matter what type of community. You just have to learn how to handle these kind of people.



told that to one person as a joke, suprisingly i haven't started a suicide spree in DR's community  :awesome: I'm not trying or even being a part of "community" which is technicaly broken in every possible aspect and which is owned by those, who are indeed 12-13 years old and have their over-edited servers.

A joke? A JOKE?! You call suicide a ******* joke?! It's like joking about cancer, it's something you don't do as a human being with only the smallest bit of self esteem.

You're posting a forum... Totally not trying to be part of the community...

Over-edited servers? Really? IDK if you know but if there's no variety in something, it dies out quickly. Be happy, if there wasn't edited versions of the mod there wouldn't be this many people playing it anymore.



It's funny how a crowd of moroons(yay, now tell me that I've called DR community like that [it might suprice you but you are not the whole community and not everyone's a moroon, but you certainly are, Sir]) is trying to shut me up because I'm showing what's broken and needs to be solved.

You could still play shit maps, watch porn pictures in maps (I haven't seen you complaining about them? is a picture of naked woman making your horney?

You called me a moron for pointing out your behaviour is getting out of hand? :dumb: What is this? Elementary school?

You're not showing what's broken and what needs to be solved, you're bitching about tiny things that don't matter much. The only helpful thing I've seen you post up 'till now is your "A guide to clean mess after your DR plugins", which was a pretty immature title for a serious topic if you ask me.

Porn pictures? Really? I guess someone doesn't know the definition of porn? None of those pics are naked. But just like you, I don't like it when mappers add random pictures of women in their maps.


pls stahp guys, go argue over xfire or something... 

No thanks, I don't need BraXi on my Xfire.


Edit: Anyways, I'll stop arguing, guess it's better to stay ontopic.


Edit 2: Edited the post in response to BraXi's edited.


Edit: thanks, that post got just another downvote and it means noobs are rather downvoting than proving I'm wrong  :awesome:

The downvote system is there for a reason, it's simply to state they do not agree with your statements.


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Took me a while (3 replies while i was typing text) to edit my post.


Edit: thanks, that post got just another downvote and it means noobs are rather downvoting than proving I'm wrong :awesome:


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Well, so far it looks good


Can't wait to play it


Great job and keep up the good work


@Braxi and Slaya, please stop arguing here


If you feel if the conversation still needs to be discussed, do so by PM/xfire/steam


Thread has been derailed enough as it is


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Well, so far it looks good


Can't wait to play it


Great job and keep up the good work


@Braxi and Slaya, please stop arguing here


If you feel if the conversation still needs to be discussed, do so by PM/xfire/steam


Thread has been derailed enough as it is


Or make a new thread for the drama llama. Because honestly it's pretty entertaining to read arguments about video games over the internet. :dumb:


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Errors D:, I tried to make a script that made the climbing trap move X at random times, didn't work, removed the script, trap2 what worked fine now has an error in it? I just can't fking win. 


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Errors D:, I tried to make a script that made the climbing trap move X at random times, didn't work, removed the script, trap2 what worked fine now has an error in it? I just can't fking win. 


use developer 1, figure out what the error is that is being given and post here along with the part of the script giving off errors if you'd like help.


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{                            <-------- It was coming from there, but nothing was wrong before, all of a sudden it just wants to bad syntax on me? 

 object = getent("trap2", "targetname");

 trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");


 trigger waittill("trigger",player);



 while (1)


 object moveZ (-80,1.0);

 object waittill ("movedone");

 wait (0.000001);

 object moveZ (80,0.8);

 object waittill ("movedone");

 wait (0.000001);




Full Script:


game["allies"] = "marines";
game["axis"] = "opfor";
game["attackers"] = "axis";
game["defenders"] = "allies";
game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert";
game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert";

thread Arrow1();
thread Fire();
thread Music();
thread Startdoor();
thread First_Teleport();
thread Trap1();
thread Trap2();

level.firefx = loadFX( "deathrun/sentrexfire" );

object = getent("arrow1", "targetname");
trigger = getent("arrow1trig", "targetname");

trigger waittill("trigger",player);

while (1)
object movez (-31,1);
object waittill ("movedone");
wait (0.000001);
object movez (31,1);
object waittill ("movedone");
wait (0.000001);

fire1 = getEnt( "fire1", "targetname" );
fire2 = getEnt( "fire2", "targetname" );
fire3 = getEnt( "fire3", "targetname" );
fire4 = getEnt( "fire4", "targetname" );

level waittill( "round_started" );

playFX( level.firefx, fire1.origin );
playFX( level.firefx, fire2.origin );
playFX( level.firefx, fire3.origin );
playFX( level.firefx, fire4.origin );

Music() {
wait 10;
random = randomint (6);
switch (random) {
case 0: Ambientplay("cinder");
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
case 1: Ambientplay("ber");
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
case 2: Ambientplay("gold");
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Pavilion Remix)");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Paviloin Remix)");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Pavilion Remix)");
case 3: Ambientplay("bang");
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
case 4: Ambientplay("star");
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
case 5: Ambientplay("happy");
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
wait 1.0;
iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");


trig = getEnt( "startdoor", "targetname" );
brush = getEnt( "doora", "targetname" );
brush2 = getEnt( "doorb", "targetname" );

trig waittill( "trigger");
trig delete();
wait 15;
wait 1;
wait 1;
wait 1;
wait 1;
wait 1;
brush moveX(200,0.30);
brush2 moveX(-200,0.30);
wait 1.0;

trig = getEnt("trigger_teleport1", "targetname");
tele1 = getEnt("origin_teleport1", "targetname");

trig waittill("trigger", player);
player setOrigin(tele1.origin);

object = getent("trap2", "targetname");
trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");

trigger waittill("trigger",player);

while (1)
object moveZ (-80,1.0);
object waittill ("movedone");
wait (0.000001);
object moveZ (80,0.8);
object waittill ("movedone");
wait (0.000001);





I just can't get a script working for the climbing thing for what I want it to do... 


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{                            <-------- It was coming from there, but nothing was wrong before, all of a sudden it just wants to bad syntax on me? 

 object = getent("trap2", "targetname");

 trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");


 trigger waittill("trigger",player);



 while (1)


 object moveZ (-80,1.0);

 object waittill ("movedone");

 wait (0.000001);

 object moveZ (80,0.8);

 object waittill ("movedone");

 wait (0.000001);




Full Script:

	game["allies"] = "marines";
	game["axis"] = "opfor";
	game["attackers"] = "axis";
	game["defenders"] = "allies";
	game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert";
	game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert";

	thread Arrow1();
	thread Fire();
	thread Music();
	thread Startdoor();
	thread First_Teleport();
	thread Trap1();
	thread Trap2();

	level.firefx = loadFX( "deathrun/sentrexfire" );

 object = getent("arrow1", "targetname");
 trigger = getent("arrow1trig", "targetname");

 trigger waittill("trigger",player);

 while (1)
 object movez (-31,1);
 object waittill ("movedone");
 wait (0.000001);
 object movez (31,1);
 object waittill ("movedone");
 wait (0.000001);

        fire1 = getEnt( "fire1", "targetname" );
        fire2 = getEnt( "fire2", "targetname" );
        fire3 = getEnt( "fire3", "targetname" );
        fire4 = getEnt( "fire4", "targetname" );
        level waittill( "round_started" );
        playFX( level.firefx, fire1.origin );
        playFX( level.firefx, fire2.origin );
        playFX( level.firefx, fire3.origin );
        playFX( level.firefx, fire4.origin );

Music() {
	wait 10;
	random = randomint (6);
	switch (random) {
		case 0: Ambientplay("cinder");
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
		case 1: Ambientplay("ber");
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
		case 2: Ambientplay("gold");
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Pavilion Remix)");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Paviloin Remix)");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Pavilion Remix)");
		case 3: Ambientplay("bang");
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
		case 4: Ambientplay("star");
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
		case 5: Ambientplay("happy");
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
				wait 1.0;
				iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");


    trig = getEnt( "startdoor", "targetname" );
    brush = getEnt( "doora", "targetname" );
    brush2 = getEnt( "doorb", "targetname" );
	trig waittill( "trigger");
	trig delete();
	wait 15;
	wait 1;
	wait 1;
	wait 1;
	wait 1;
	wait 1;
	brush moveX(200,0.30);
	brush2 moveX(-200,0.30);
	wait 1.0;

	trig = getEnt("trigger_teleport1", "targetname");
	tele1 = getEnt("origin_teleport1", "targetname");
		trig waittill("trigger", player);
		player setOrigin(tele1.origin);

 object = getent("trap2", "targetname");
 trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");

 trigger waittill("trigger",player);

 while (1)
 object moveZ (-80,1.0);
 object waittill ("movedone");
 wait (0.000001);
 object moveZ (80,0.8);
 object waittill ("movedone");
 wait (0.000001);





I just can't get a script working for the climbing thing for what I want it to do...


You do know that the lowest you can make a wait is 0.05 right?


and here try this ;)



	object = getent("trap2", "targetname");
	trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");

	trigger waittill("trigger",player);
			movetime = RandomIntRange( 1, 4 ); //Defines the movetime which will be used to determine how long it takes the object to move.
			randtime = RandomIntRange( 1, 4 ); //Defines randtime which will be used to determine how long it waits to move back.
			object movex( -80, movetime ); //moves the object
			object waittill( "movedone" );
			wait randtime;
			object movex( 80, movetime );
			object waittill( "movedone" );


Refer to zeroy script reference if you're not sure how the RandomIntRange function works ;)


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Sounds like you didn't thread your script correctly, make sure it's thread trap2(); and not thread trap2() - very common mistake.


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Sounds like you didn't thread your script correctly, make sure it's thread trap2(); and not thread trap2() - very common mistake.

In the spoiler he provided the whole script, you can see the threads :ph34r:


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I had a similar problem, turnd out that the syntax was from another script, but it told me it was from a script without any syntax errors


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Darmuh's script made the trap 2 move down, left, down, left, until it went out the map .-.


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SIlly darmuh changed moveZ to moveX


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SIlly darmuh changed moveZ to moveX


I took it from one of my old scripts and only changed the first move xD


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Better watch out staab. That vid might get a copyright strike :troll:


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