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[WIP] mp_dr_dawn

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Map looks interesting, gj. If you want I can help you with the mapping part to fill the empty places in your map lol.


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Better watch out staab. That vid might get a copyright strike :troll:

I got one :okay: 



Will be a pretty nice map once you sort out the lighting

Re doing all the lighting


Map looks interesting, gj. If you want I can help you with the mapping part to fill the empty places in your map lol.

Might take you up on that:D 


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Hopefully The final product will have 0 traps and 12 endrooms  :troll:

I think it's fine how it is  :lol:


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Hopefully The final product will have 0 traps and 12 endrooms  :troll:

If that was meant to be a joke, It was awful, You really think I'm going to make a map with 0 traps? You must be an idiot just to think because I've made a few shit maps in the past, that I would do that. you make a map and I would love to play it. 


K thx. 


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If that was meant to be a joke, It was awful, You really think I'm going to make a map with 0 traps? You must be an idiot just to think because I've made a few shit maps in the past, that I would do that. you make a map and I would love to play it. 


K thx. 


Why does he says then :troll:?..




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If that was meant to be a joke, It was awful, You really think I'm going to make a map with 0 traps? You must be an idiot just to think because I've made a few shit maps in the past, that I would do that. you make a map and I would love to play it. 


K thx.

Rescue Fox makes jokes like I make jokes, horridly ^^

Anyways, he wasn't speaking regarding your previous maps or how they're "s***" or even if they would be like your current/new ones

Was just posting a troll comment that was meant as a joke only and had no signifince to your map or you personally

It's good to be defensive, but only when it's actually called for ;)


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But then why bother posting it... I'm clearly looking for feedback, not smug pointless stupid comments


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Rescue Fox makes jokes like I make jokes, horridly ^^



If that was meant to be a joke, It was awful, You really think I'm going to make a map with 0 traps? You must be an idiot just to think because I've made a few shit maps in the past, that I would do that. you make a map and I would love to play it. 


K thx. 

Dude calm down, I was just making a joke about how activators never activate, so why put traps at all, that's all xD Sorry If I didn't deliver the joke properly or for making it at all. It was never meant to be an attack towards you or your previous work. I'm sorry If you took it that way.



Oh and by the way, the map looks great so far, keep up the good work!


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But then why bother posting it... I'm clearly looking for feedback, not smug pointless stupid comments




Thats what I tried to say about my map :Facepalm:


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Thats what I tried to say about my map :Facepalm:


This thread is about Staab's map

Please try to keep it that way and don't being whatever issues that happened with yours into it :)

Don't want any further arguments resulting ^^



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Since i havent posted on this post yet, Might aswell now


So yesterday Me, staab and Slaya (Bunch more later but meh they just fucked around :dave: ) And we played the newest version he has put out, In my general opinion the map is looking pretty good so far once he puts the effort into scripting(Staab's way of scripting :'D) Hopefully before when i test it next he's put in more traps (Scripted), Made the map layout bigger, and added little stuff here and there, But so far it looks promising just don't give up when you get an error since you have done that with past maps :dave:


Keep it up nublet :3


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Since i havent posted on this post yet, Might aswell now

So yesterday Me, staab and Slaya (Bunch more later but meh they just fucked around :dave: ) And we played the newest version he has put out, In my general opinion the map is looking pretty good so far once he puts the effort into scripting(Staab's way of scripting :'D) Hopefully before when i test it next he's put in more traps (Scripted), Made the map layout bigger, and added little stuff here and there, But so far it looks promising just don't give up when you get an error since you have done that with past maps :dave:

Keep it up nublet :3

Completely reformatted his script and fixed about 4 errors yesterday

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Completely reformatted his script and fixed about 4 errors yesterday at least he's trying eh, you're seriously getting a lot better at this staab!

Made it Neater? :3 Easier to read instead of just thread here and there? Cough Cough Wingzor :3


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Made it Neater? :3 Easier to read instead of just thread here and there? Cough Cough Wingzor :3

Hahahaha, I don't think I've ever seen Wing's scripts.


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As triton said, we played around with the map for a bit. We found a few things staab needs to fix but other than that the map itself looked quite good. Now fix dem bugs, finish the map and it'll be sweet. :)


Hahahaha, I don't think I've ever seen Wing's scripts.

They're a mess, seriously, a mess.


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Completely reformatted his script and fixed about 4 errors yesterday at least he's trying eh, you're seriously getting a lot better at this staab!

After you did it the map worked fine, apart from one bad token that was this 

wait 25;`

It had this ` after removing it everything worked fine,


Ps, I had wofles says that 1 trap is too hard, pls. it's deathrun, it's meant to be hard :>  


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They're a mess, seriously, a mess.

Yeah, I've been on TV a few times, saw some code for his DR, I had no idea where he was coding and shit because everything was just mixed, lol :P


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