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Form Submission: Admin Applications

5 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Ronnie H
What is your in-game name?: Triton
How old are you?: 14
What is your primary server?: Both
What is your B3 CID?: @4
What is your Xfire?: knifestyles
What is your Skype?: originalcreators
What is your Steam?: ImTriton
What is your Origin?: ImTriton
What makes you a good admin?: What makes a good admin is that fact im very trustworthy that might not sound like a great feature But im pretty kind, So im a nice guy in general. I really hate people who rulebreak and get away with it under my eyes Another reason that im a good admin is because ive had past admin powers on various servers so i know most of the commands etc. Its annoying when some idiot would be spamming When he is mad or whatever which kinda gets on ma nerves and ive seen this happen when admins aint around 0.o So i could prevent this
What skills do you have?: I've got pretty good grades education wise. I can don't know hardly any programming skills apart from a little bit of python but that dosent exactly count :D, I can sorta use radiant like ive got most of the stuff for it and made a map or two (Which Sucked :/) Also i kinda got a bit of a tut how to do traps for DR(Thanks Zack)
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I used to own a clan called Joke.... :/ This server was Pretty mad. It was known for being random, Funny and strange some would disagree but thats their opinion. I was pretty good with all the Main stuff and keeping it alive and well but thats mainly it. I also used to be in another clan TwS which i'm not very proud of...
Why should we choose you?: Well this pretty much sums me up. Im pretty Nice, I think people like me (Well most) and i'd be a good admin. On raid ive never used hacks/cheats or whatever so im pretty legit :D Also im very welcoming most of the time i say Herro user to people who join the channel on teamspeak(Just felt like putting that in) Hope You Accept it. Triton

P.S I'm Lossy's Card Manager :D (Check my TS Description)


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Really comfortable to be around, never has broken a rule EVER, never a hastle, always helps admins to catch a hacker on fun server or lets us know when there is a rule breaker on any server. He has potential to be an excellent admin. <3 good luck!!


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