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Artist needed

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Hello guys, so I really need an artist to help me with the deathrun mod as i'm a noob with photoshop, gimp etc...


But i need some one that knows what they're doing on CoD4 as I don't have the time to teach people about it, so I'll need people that's did skins in the past and what not for CoD4. When the images are sent to be, they need to be ready for me just to compile, so if you have no background for the rank icon, make sure the background is transparent



What's needed

  • 9 more rank icons, they need to be the best out the best as these are the last set of icons and ranks i'm ever adding to the mod. The design i want is to be around deathrun & raid, so these need to be made by you not multiple images put together from the internet. These need to be unique and look the best for raid. The main theme colour for raid is red, black & white. (need to be up-to 128x128 size)
  • A new banner current one will look even more pixelated if i use it Size 300x60
  • New background, the old is out dated. Size needs to be at least 1024x1024
  • Viewhand models: Sonic(need them to be like sonic hands), Raid own new one(will also be used on CJ)


If you're up-to the task and get some done, PM on the forums and i'll review them.


If your work gets selected, you might get a prize  ;)


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i'm a noob with photoshop, gimp etc...

- in everything Lossy... you're a noob in everything :troll:


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It's merely locked so people from other clans don't steal the images and claim they made it, as some people already like to go into our .iwd and use the images.


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