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The time has come...

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Raid Community,


The time has come for me to retire from being an admin.


I would like to sincerely thank you all for the enjoyable times and wish you well for the future.


Thank you Community Managers for allowing me to admin the servers and help out.  I feel I have been inactive and that is not good enough if I'm supposed to be an admin.  I am also leaving cod 4 after over playing it in the past years.


If I ever come back to CoD 4 again, I will make sure to play on raid, I will still be somewhat active on the forums and teamspeak, and I will still work on the map (atomic - Raid only).


Keep in touch on Xfire & steam @ epikxgamer.


Kind regards,


Gabe :happycry:


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GABE DON'T GO!!! NOOOO!!!! Well, goodluck in your future and i hope you have a great time with whatever you decide to do.


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Was nice having you here


Known you since you were a little nublet in Rv... and now you're less of one <3


Seriously, considered you as a friend though out the years even though we haven't talked as recently


Good luck in life and wish the best for you 


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Best of luck to you in the future Gabe. But you can always come back because you're always welcome :'D


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Sad to see you go Gabe. I hope your map Atomic comes out great, and take care. Wish you best in life and good bye my friend.


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Very sad to see you go! Keep in touch yeah, best of luck with whatever you go on to do :)


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good, more space :troll:

nah.. you're an awesome admin man, so nice. Sucks everybody always downvotes you because they're idiots.

You are kind (most of the time) and get the job done, shame for you to retire ;-;


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But, sad to see you going. Thank you for being such a great admin. ;)


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Good luck with your future Gabe! you're the only person who I haven't really spoken to in this community! :( Therefor, i'll hit you up on xfire some time! see how you're doing without CoD4 (nublet)


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Can't believe your leaving man, After all the fun times that i'll always remember you were a great guy :3 


Where to start eh?, Well when i joined raid you were a great MotherF*ckin admin :'D, From that we became great buddies on the server then somehow you got me to join Teamspeak and got me to talk, Heh i still remember when i first talked and you were mindblown, Even after that i've still helped you with 'little' ideas from maps etc, Ranging from Changing the glass trap in chunk (Prepatch lol) to making the map pyramid slightly harder EVENTHOUGH that map is still easy as F*ck :3. 

[15:34] [Raid]Gabe: IM TRYING TO PLAY DAYZ...

[15:34] Triton: K
[15:34] [Raid]Gabe: FUCK SAKE MAN
[15:34] Triton: wut
[15:34] [Raid]Gabe: STFU
[15:35] Triton: Nawww liccle gaybe died
[15:35] [Raid]Gabe: <This user is now offline>
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: 770 installed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: OMFG
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: YERS
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: YES
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: YES
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: YES
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: YES
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: YES
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: Y
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: SEYS
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: EYW
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: ESDH]wechy
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: ECHARVJa
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: rfjv
[16:39] [Raid]Gabe: J
[16:39] Triton: Cool!
[19:38] Triton: Play deathrun.
[19:38] Triton: Im in de north west brah.
[19:38] [Raid]Gabe: im in de London bruh
[19:38] [Raid]Gabe: we are far away xD
[19:38] Triton: k brah.
[19:38] Triton: 2HOURS
[19:38] Triton: On the choo choo
[19:38] Triton: :P
[19:39] [Raid]Gabe: prob 4-5 hrs on da vroom vroom
[19:39] Triton: Heh yeah.
Please help i caught the memories feels
[20:11] [Raid]Gabe: T_T xD
[20:11] Triton: Vat?>...
[20:11] [Raid]Gabe: U WOT M8? xD
[20:12] Triton: NAH BRUV U WOT FAM
[20:12] Triton: ;)
[20:14] [Raid]Gabe: U WANNA TAKE DIS OUT YOU PRICK?!?
[20:14] [Raid]Gabe: xD
[20:14] [Raid]Gabe: WASTE MAN :P
[20:15] Triton: FAM*
[20:15] Triton: ;p
[20:15] [Raid]Gabe: LEFT 4 DEAD 2?!?!? 
[20:15] Triton: Yes.... :>

:dave: Anyway good luck in later life bro, I really am gon fucking miss you, You were one of the old. Great admins and that was F*cking AMAZING!, (Eventhough you was a nub at times) BYE! :'c
Another Spoiler :dave:

why+are+old+people+eating+alone+so+sad+_3888820+_63714b98ff3b96337c58a29ccd1ac95 tumblr_m6ap0b6NXE1r225uk.gif Tumblr_inline_mrnq6drraZ1qz4rgp.gif 200_s.gif 


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Goodbye. You were a great admin, wish you best of luck for the future.


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Gaybe.  :cry:  Good luck with your further life.


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Bai :(

If you're leaving cod4, you can still stay on the forum right ?? :cry:


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Sad to see you go, you little nublet. You're always whalecum back here anytime! Good luck to you in the future.


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Sorry I haven't written on this topic yet, if you'd like to know what I've been up to you're welcome to message me on steam I really just haven't had the time to properly reply to this.

It was great having you on board as an admin. I almost feel like I've watched you grow up in a way. When I first met you, on Rv, you were hardly admin worthy. You were annoying, disruptive, and very immature. Yet as time passed I've watched you learn from your mistakes and become a better person as well as a better online personality. You're no longer that annoying, disruptive, kid I met over a year ago. In the grand scheme of things, you've done a great job and I thank you for that.

You've found a home here and you're always welcome back.



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gabe ples :(


you were an amazing admin and good person, i only spoke to a few times but you will be missed here,


good luck in life 


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Thank you darmuh, that was truly kind and thoughtful words :wub: same goes for all of you, but darmuh's made me shred a tear..


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