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Ways to get XP!

5 posts in this topic

Deathrun: Just press Escape for basic Statistics



For even more advanced stats, Press escape, Click customize Character, Then choose advanced stats and you will get a menu like this


b10d2708ddb7f594842dd428d9a1cf17.png -->a2455ad49c3764816f97b38e772275c3.png -->b41d3af74b7aed2bf95617886131b843.png


Fun Server/Combined Ops: When you are not ingame and at the menu click Ranks&Challenges

8166479fd12f872e6f3f4e099267cda0.png <-- Once this is clicked  3d82b3793ea23b00e20c4494105823d3.png

CodJumper: XP Dosent really matter on CJ :3


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I got deranked, When you get deranked you lose all your kills and that, and also i havent like PLAYED Raid deathrun in a while lol


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