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[RELEASE] mp_dr_dawn [NEW UPDATE!]

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staab the map is still bugged :dumb: When I teleport back to the last stage as acti, I get stuck in the roof 


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adding to server now

Darmuh, the map is still bugged for the acti


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Darmuh, the map is still bugged for the acti

You said the last teleport sends you to the ceiling. I can manipulate the origin through gsc so that the player doesnt get stuck.


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That wasn't my fault, it was Tritons. ffs. Triton. l2 origin placement! You sure you can fix darmuh? 


He said all you need to do is crouch if you get stuck. I didn't add them teleporters :dave: 


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That wasn't my fault, it was Tritons. ffs. Triton. l2 origin placement! You sure you can fix darmuh? 


He said all you need to do is crouch if you get stuck. I didn't add them teleporters :dave:

yeah, I made a similar mistake on twitch. Just manipulated the teleport through gsc rather than compiling over and over again to get the right placement :)


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Did you use the Move function? this would be handy for a glitchy map on my server



for ex;


round waittill(round_start);


teleport_origin1 moveZ (-5, 1);


bad ex ik


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Forget that it was in the ceiling, I knew it happened but never got around to fixing it, And left it at the back of my mind. Derp :3


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Did you use the Move function? this would be handy for a glitchy map on my server



for ex;


round waittill(round_start);


teleport_origin1 moveZ (-5, 1);


bad ex ik

Nope, the setorigin function simply uses coordiantes. Usually you define the coordiantes with a script_origin in radiant. If you'd like to manipulate exactly where the player moves to you can add onto the coordinates defined with your script_origin like so:


player setOrigin(script_origin.origin+(0,0,-64));
Here's what the numbers represent:


player setOrigin(script_origin.origin+(x,y,z));

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Time for another update for this shit. 


File size is 21MB

17MB iwd 

4mb FF

64kb load.ff



F = Fixed A= Added R= Removed


[A] New bounce room

[A]New Trap (Replaced Bounce Trap)

[A]New Music

[A]New Secrets


[F]Some bugs that were found on the newest verison

[F]Endrooms bugging (rare but happened)


[R]Bounce trap (Replaced)

[R]Slide trap ( Was bringing way to many script errors )


Map is also shinny as fuck with spec map on so I recommend turning that off



Overall I touched up a few things here and there and I think people want the map back, so I'll let them decide, anyway, here is the updated download link.






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could you upload to moddb so it doesn't get lost?


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Just will need to wait for it to be approved 


Re added mediafire link, that is all 


moddb added 


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Map is also shinny as fuck with spec map on so I recommend turning that off

Shinier than the config I used in my speedrun? :D


Sounds epic, can't wait to play it again.


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I prefer to change it on updates to give it something fresh but I did like old music better, btw, if you find the secret song, keep it a secret, i don't want people spamming it :l 


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