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Please add siikdUde's prototype map "Freedom"!

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Hey forum users my friend siikdUde (mapmaker) is making a new map which has a prototype beta thing. It sounds like a really cool map so it would be cool if you would add the beta version. The reason I'm posting this in the Deathrun section rather than in the maps section is because the map technically isn't out yet, but the prototype is being run on siik's friend's server. It would be awesome it could be temporarily added to the map rotation of the server for a week or so just so that people could get a feeling for the map.




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Although thanks for trying but I don't think it would be good idea to have my map out to the public while its not finished. Im sure Raid wouldn't do this to any map either. Its ok though because my friends server is where I see and fix my map's bugs :). Plus im not done with the map. I still need to map more places and traps. The thought is what counts though :D


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Since Siik doesn't think it's a good idea.




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