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inactivity notice

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I am going to be less active on the servers and the forums for about a month. I am in the marching band and I am going to have to be at practice at 8:00 to about noon every day until the first day of school. And since I am a busy person I will have other things i have committed to for ap classes to (summer projects). Once school starts back I will be practicing a lot for band and doing school work. So there will be days I will not even touch my comptor. Along with this I am also a boyscout and will be committed to some projects for our troop. And will also have to be working on my next rank. Eagle the highest rank in scouting which will be a great accomplishment for me. So just letting you all know I have a life and due to that life I will be inactive for a bit.


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Have fun at band practice ;)


Anyways, hope you enjoy your time and don't have too many projects


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Have fun Grezwal, I will miss you because you always ban the hackers I find  :lol:


Wish you luck and enjoy your time off  ;)


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