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PC vs Console

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Hi everyone


This topic is mainly directed towards Darmuh as I recently watched his video entitled 'Camaros vs Trikes' but anyone else willing to share their advice, would me much appreciated.


While it was an interesting and informational video it was biased towards Darmuh's preferances, which is toatally understandable.The reason I'm posting this is because I have my own personal problems and limitations when it comes to money. I agreed with most of the Darmuh's opinions however, I'm only interested in the affordability aspect of PC vs Console.


If anyone can help me choosing between the two regarding prices, please take the following into consideration:


1) The original price of the product


2) The maintenance/upkeep cost


3) The games, xbox live, etc.


Thank you for your time



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Well I would say PC, because it can do much more then the consoles, however the consoles could be a bit cheaper. If you were to build a gaming PC, you could get one for about 600-700 dollars. Consoles usually range around 500-600 dollars, so it's not much of a big difference there.


Building your PC will be cheaper overall and it can do a lot more.


I know there are some games that are console only releases, but they aren't worth it in my honest opinion.


I'd say go with a custom built PC, it will save you money from buying a normal gaming PC such as alienware etc. Aswell as it can do much more, and play many games.



If you don't know much about building gaming PCS, here are a few websites that can help you<



Xbox one price: $499


PS4 Price: $400


Overall, buying a console would be cheaper, but in the long run building your own gaming PC would be the best choice.


If you need anymore help just ask :D


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The new consoles cost around 400 Euros as far as im aware of. a decent SELF BUILD gaming pc costs around 600 - 1200 Euros and a pre-build one like 2000 Euros which could do the same as a self build one for around 800 -1000 *cough* alienware *cough*. It's obvious that pc's itself are going to cost more since they can do like 10 million things more than consoles. However, pc wins when it comes to games, it has more and cheaper games. Don't forget the steam summer sale and other littles sales on steam. Pc has better graphics, the new console can't even run most games at 1080p which is sad, hell, they even run some of the new games only at 30 fps and like the shittiest resolution ever, im talking about 792p and 900p. Consoles do have a few exclusives which are pretty good, a good example would be the last of us for the ps4 and ps3. It all depends on how much you enjoy playing on one of those platforms. On what platform play good friends of yours on? I switched from xbox360 to pc since most of my real life friends played on pc, so I'd suggest you todo the same ( I'm talking about playing on the same platform as your friends. ) In my opinion, the ps4 wins the console war against the xbone.


I  still think PC's are better for the long run. Why? Because you can always upgrade your pc, you can't do that on consoles unless a new generation of consoles is coming, probably around 2020(?) It might be more expensive for the long run, but, you're getting a smooth and nice gaming experience.


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Well I would say PC, because it can do much more then the consoles, however the consoles could be a bit cheaper. If you were to build a gaming PC, you could get one for about 600-700 dollars. Consoles usually range around 500-600 dollars, so it's not much of a big difference there.


Building your PC will be cheaper overall and it can do a lot more.


I know there are some games that are console only releases, but they aren't worth it in my honest opinion.


I'd say go with a custom built PC, it will save you money from buying a normal gaming PC such as alienware etc. Aswell as it can do much more, and play many games.



If you don't know much about building gaming PCS, here are a few websites that can help you<



Xbox one price: $499


PS4 Price: $400


Overall, buying a console would be cheaper, but in the long run building your own gaming PC would be the best choice.


If you need anymore help just ask :D


I disliked you about this "Overall, buying a console would be cheaper", that is totaly not true.



1. You pay for the console Xbox one price: $499/  PS4 Price: $400


2. Where are the games? 40 euro minimum for a good game/  new games and then paying for each single game for that


3. Paying for a dumb network for them (Xbox live and Playstation Live)


4. You want a extra controller costs about 50-60 dollars aswell


5. Less better graphics then on PC


So if I would calculate it you will get this price with 4 games what is not alot: 695 euro random (for couple of games with console and extra controller and PSN Network card). And then in the future you are still paying for the games again 40-50-60 euro and calculate that up and you will get up to 800+ euro.


And for PC you build once a custom gaming PC and you can play free games or buy 1 game what is really enjoy able or crack the games on the PC whats on a console not that easy or impossible to crack.



But if you want "gaming only" then I would go for the PS4 since PS4 is made for gaming only, but my self I would go for the PC gaming because it has better graphics, less internet connection problems and its funnier then on a console to play etc etc.


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I have a good friend who is willing to build me a decent gaming PC, my only concern was that it was going to cost a hell of a lot more and it might not be worth it.


My friends are, not so conveniantly, on xbox and PC so that's not my issue at the moment. As I said, all I'm worried about is the cost in the long term, even if I'm getting less value for money when buying a console. Another reason for me considering transitioning to console was because I, believe it or not, have never played on one before and my friends tell me it's more fun than PC. Although that is an opinion.


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I have a good friend who is willing to build me a decent gaming PC, my only concern was that it was going to cost a hell of a lot more and it might not be worth it.


My friends are, not so conveniantly, on xbox and PC so that's not my issue at the moment. As I said, all I'm worried about is the cost in the long term, even if I'm getting less value for money when buying a console. Another reason for me considering transitioning to console was because I, believe it or not, have never played on one before and my friends tell me it's more fun than PC. Although that is an opinion.



Well the best tip is:


Go try PC and Console at the sime time. Play the 1-2-3 same games on PC and on console and see whats better then.


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I went on my xbox one a few weeks ago, 3 Kids said they fucked my mum, 2 said i was unloved and adopted, 5 told me to kill my self, later that day I sold it. 


nuff said but the people. 


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I went on my xbox one a few weeks ago, 3 Kids said they fucked my mum, 2 said i was unloved and adopted, 5 told me to kill my self, later that day I sold it.

nuff said but the people.

coughbabycough :dave:

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coughbabycough :dave:

*cough*TwixIsNotDelicious*cough* :dave:


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PC, build a good one for £400-£800 (excluding screen).

Games are cheaper, no internet subscription for internet + you can work on it and browse the web etc etc

Too many reasons to say


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Glad you enjoyed my video. The point of it was that it's ultimately preference and you shouldn't shove your preference in other people's faces.

If you look hard enough you can find plenty of reasons based solely on price why you'd move to PC.

Here's a pretty interesting video where gamespot actually builds a gaming PC that would perform as well as a next gen console for the price of a next gen console.

And if you read the comments, they could have done plenty more to improve the performance without affecting the price had they gotten a better processor or not accounted for the cost of an OS since no one really buys those their OS anymore..


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The point of it was that it's ultimately preference and you shouldn't shove your preference in other people's faces.


I interpreted this as an accusation but I clearly stated:


While it was an interesting and informational video it was biased towards Darmuh's preferances, which is toatally understandable.The reason I'm posting this is because I have my own personal problems and limitations when it comes to money. I agreed with most of the Darmuh's opinions however, I'm only interested in the affordability aspect of PC vs Console.


I understand it all comes down to players preferances and I respected yours, but it didn't concern my problems. I'm sorry if I misunderstood it to be an accusation.


Thanks for the gamespot vid too, very interesting.


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I like both PC and console. I love playing on both and enjoy my time. Both of them make me have a good time :)  


I went on my xbox one a few weeks ago, 3 Kids said they fucked my mum, 2 said i was unloved and adopted, 5 told me to kill my self, later that day I sold it. 


nuff said but the people. 

That's pretty messed up... I would just ignore them because someday that will happen to them  ;)


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