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Jaagg App.

20 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Chris

What is your in-game name?: Jaagg (with colors)

How old are you?: 12, almost 13

What is your primary server?: Deathrun, haven't really played any others

What is your B3 CID?: @30587

What is your Xfire?: jaaggy

What is your Steam?: xJaGG3d

What makes you a good admin?: I am really responsible for my age, and I am a huge enforcer of rules. If there is a rule that someone breaks I know to give a warning or two, and then temporarily ban them. I know to be respectful of all. I also am always on Deathrun, so you would not need to worry about putting other admins on the server.

What skills do you have?: I can program a website, I am a fast learner, so if/when I get equipment for editing/GFX/etc., I will be able to use it well within two days. I am also not afraid to speak my mind, and I know when enough is enough.

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: None really, other than some dumb Xbox clans my friend and I used to make. I was is a competitive CoD clan on the Xbox for about a month, if that counts for anything

Why should we choose you?: Although I am 12, I have the mind (and the height) of a 16 year old. I can fix problems fast, I can cooperate in tough situations, I am mature, respectful, and I can break a bone, so to speak, if I have to.

If you need to contact me, my skype is breakdancingferret (don't ask why)


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IMO, i have seen u on the servers a few times and youre fun to play with but idk what you would be like as an admin, 


Ur 12, barely post and havent had much time on the forums m8 it seems ur rushing this decision.


But honestly good luck, just my opinion.


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I barely see you on the deathrun server and don't see you being active on Raid's forums.


And what Purity said about your age, exceptions are allowed


Try to be more active on the server and more active on the forums. Just a advice from me :)


Try to explain yourself more on your application. It's too short.


Good luck Jaagg.


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Rarely see you on dr, but hey that could be because I sleep all day and play all night  :dave:


Anyways, best of luck!


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Thanks guys! I just don't play as much because of a new "screen time" rule in my household but I can manage around it :) and like I said, brain of a 16 year old ;)  :doge:


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Negative stuff aside!


Good luck Jaagg, seem like a friendly chump from your behavior ingame, and pretty mature for your age!


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he doesn't have 2 days on dr 

You should really check before you comment. 


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and hey doesn't have 10 days of form account being active  tooo

That means 10 days since the account was created, they really need to re-word that e.e


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