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I'm running cod4 updated to version 1.7 with mod cod-co.

I've got my dedicate server running but the map rotation doens't work properly.
The first map loads and works ok, then the second map loads, also no problem and playable. But after the second map the rotation isn't working. All clients are disconnected(also bots) and all the clients will automatically create an own server(?). When i try to connected to the server again it hangs at the scoreboard saying 0 seconds left. Then if I type map_rotate in the console it continues loading the next map in the rotation but after this map the same problem occurs. How come i have to do this after the second map and the maps comming after that?


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Hi there

I don't know if anyone here can help you with your problems but I believe you'd be better off contacting the mod developer, Moka_Akashiya. There is a high possibility that someone here would be able to assist you, I'm just doing all I can to help. :D

Skype: themastergamer1

XFire: Moka_Akashiya85



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