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Hello everybody, I decided to make this topic because I want you guys to know what I am doing at the moment. I just recently moved from my house to a penthouse these days which is pretty awesome. The penthouse is clean and beautiful and I love it more than my old house. So the reason I won't be active is that my mom told me that there won't be internet for 2-3 weeks or maybe a month... So I won't be active on CoD4 because my parents told me that me and my brothers will be only using 1 PC. And that PC will only have internet for a limited time and only for homework. I got sad when they told me that because I will miss CoD, but I guess I  will take a break from it. As you guys know Rohan is my brother and he won't be active as well. I also wanted to say that If I get trial admin, I don't want my trial to start yet. I will tell you guys when I want to start it because of my inactivity. I will miss you guys all but I will be active on the forums. My school will start in a couple of weeks. It's a huge school with a big campus! I will be going to 8th grade and I am really excited! I am guessing 2-3 weeks. I will be a tough month for me because of all of the stuff that will happen. Soon my PC will be in my new room and I just got a new microphone so I can speak with guys on Teamspeak 3. I am excited to start school because I hated my home school classes. Anyways I hope you guys understand what I am going through and hope to see you guys on the servers soon :)


Good bye  B)


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Yeah Guys, as Kratos said , We will be inactive for 2 months or so we will be going to this super big a$$ penthouse with 2 floors :[  , I will miss DR and Talking to my friends on Teamspeak , There will be no Internet so I guess I have to switch to Xbox ^^


Bye Everyone I will miss you!


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Hello everybody, I decided to make this topic because I want you guys to know what I am doing at the moment. I just recently moved from my house to a penthouse these days which is pretty awesome. The penthouse is clean and beautiful and I love it more than my old house. So the reason I won't be active is that my mom told me that there won't be internet for 2-3 weeks or maybe a month... So I won't be active on CoD4 because my parents told me that me and my brothers will be only using 1 PC. And that PC will only have internet for a limited time and only for homework. I got sad when they told me that because I will miss CoD, but I guess I  will take a break from it. As you guys know Rohan is my brother and he won't be active as well. I also wanted to say that If I get trial admin, I don't want my trial to start yet. I will tell you guys when I want to start it because of my inactivity. I will miss you guys all but I will be active on the forums. My school will start in a couple of weeks. It's a huge school with a big campus! I will be going to 8th grade and I am really excited! I am guessing 2-3 weeks. I will be a tough month for me because of all of the stuff that will happen. Soon my PC will be in my new room and I just got a new microphone so I can speak with guys on Teamspeak 3. I am excited to start school because I hated my home school classes. Anyways I hope you guys understand what I am going through and hope to see you guys on the servers soon :)


Good bye  B)

"So the reason I won't be active is that my mom told me that there won't be internet for 2-3 weeks or maybe a month..."


"my parents told me that me and my brothers will be only using 1 PC. And that PC will only have internet"


Says they don't will have internet while they got internet :davepalm: xD


Anyways buy a damn switch or router and voila you got internet via 1 cable in the house and its split up to other pc's with the switch or router.


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Good luck with school

Hopefully you can come back sooner than expected



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Ill miss u both, rohan i will miss our ts3 chats and i will tell pluto :D


Both of u good luck in school and life, hope to see u back whenever u decide to return.


P.s rohan u mentioned u haz xbox, if u have online we can play together :) ill PM u my GT if u have online




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Good luck with school m8 and hope to see you on the servers soon :)


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Hello guys again  :) My family is still moving our stuff to the penthouse and while that is going on, I can go to forums and play a little bit of deathrun on my PC.

I will be playing Xbox 360 until they connect internet on my penthouse  :lol: I guess I have to get used to not playing CoD4 that much and wait for a while.

My school will start in 2 weeks and I am really excited. I will be really occupied when school starts because of the homework and projects, so It's going to be a tough month for me :( 

But I will be on the forums doing new topics and new stuff. I wonder if people will reach level 70 once I start to play deathrun again ;) If you do, congratulations!


So that's whats going on right now here and hopefully when my furniture and etc get's settle, I might go to a local internet near my street and see If they have CoD4. If they don't,

well I am going to be sad :lol: I don' think no one plays CoD4 here in Bolivia but I hopefully the local internet on my street has the game. Hope you guys understand I won't be active on 

the servers but I will be active on the forums. Well this is pretty much what's going on right now in my life


Good bye again  ;)


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