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script an elevator

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dose anyone know the script to making a automatic elevator in radiant witch goes up and down on its own thanks. 


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just create a loop and have it move, wait a few seconds, move and then wait...


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Tons of places to learn to script the elevator and such as: is one of them.


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Here, Just change the cords to what you want. Also remember to thread Elevator();  :P 

                elevator movez (977,3,0.5,0.5);
                elevator waittill("movedone");
                elevator movez (-977,3,0.5,0.5);
                elevator waittill("movedone");

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Hi there, creating a map can be difficult especially when you don't know how to script.


You should follow these helpful tutorials in order to learn scripting and maybe start scripting maps on your own.



And for advanced radiant things subscribe to BlackJackJonnyy:


hope this help and if you have any questions, ask them on the forum or add mappers on xfire and I'm sure they'd be willing to help you! Best of luck mapping ;)


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you whouldnt be asking for scripts then copying, the way to learn is by experimenting, and taking your time to do the scripts, when i was first started helping sentrex he needed lots of help, i gave him cluesbut not the answers, then about a month later stronghold came out.


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you whouldnt be asking for scripts then copying, the way to learn is by experimenting, and taking your time to do the scripts, when i was first started helping sentrex he needed lots of help, i gave him cluesbut not the answers, then about a month later stronghold came out.



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He did make glow before, but not sure if that was taken scripts :dave: 


People still think every script in dawn is stolen... 


They aren't... Some are my own. Other are not. 


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He did make glow before, but not sure if that was taken scripts :dave: 


People still think every script in dawn is stolen... 


They aren't... Some are my own. Other are not.

Nah, I've always made my own scripts but up until Stronghold everything was either the move function or the rotate function :')

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Nah, I've always made my own scripts but up until Stronghold everything was either the move function or the rotate function :')

My first released map had 2 traps, one that moves side to side awfully, and the second was a rotating platform.



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Nah, I've always made my own scripts but up until Stronghold everything was either the move function or the rotate function :')

Well i did that too but now im trying to get more advanced into scripting :)


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