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Form Submission: Admin Applications

11 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Skylar Kneeshaw
What is your in-game name?: (FISH) Panic
How old are you?: 15
What is your primary server?: Deathrun
What is your B3 CID?: 41
What is your Xfire?: None
What is your Skype?: None
What is your Steam?: Its Glxss
What is your Origin?: None
What makes you a good admin?: I use to be a admin on a minecraft server but dont use it anymore and I know how cetain people act so I can warn them not to do it
What skills do you have?: Im a soccer player for my high school and I am a graphics desighner which is hard to do I take classes to help me out with it and I working on learning how to edit videos but for fun
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I use to be in many Trickshotting clans on ps3 and xbox and I was part of a community on world at war but I forgot the name of it
Why should we choose you?: Because I know how to take care of the server and im very muture which means I wont mess around to much and I also know how to deal with people because I have two little sisters that are very wild plus Im very active on the server I play at least two hours a day.And I would like to make the server a better place for people to go on and have fun and get some laughs I will do my best to take care of the server

I forgot that im also in the FISH clan or cats clan


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Spammed for 10 posts

Acts immature on the server from time to time (Mainly with activators)


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He annoys me greatly, spammed me and Grezwal to buy VIP. Asked to trade a Steam Card for ViP about 100 times in the deathrun server, overall, he's a kid who doesn't act his age, and really wouldn't be suitable for admin.


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dark u cant call someone kid when ur yonger then them

All I can say Elite is the best he is the only one giving me support


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Your posts have been reset due to spam.

Now, take some time to get back to 10 posts without spamming.


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Well, I can act my age, unlike you. But that's not the point, I was accepted because they feel i'm mature enough for admin. On the other hand, work on getting your posts up without spam, then reapply.


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I don't normally talk to him, although I do see him spamming once in a while. Seems like a nice guy and all but doesn't cooperate well with all members playing in the server. Would be a little risky to give him administrative powers, but thats just my opinion. Best of luck on the application though.


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