How to prevent rank loss in deathrun!

By iMtroll in Tutorials,
OKAY GUYS. Listen up, I know a lot of us (including myself have been losing your ranks on many different servers because of an error along the lines of "Unable to obtain stats data, your stats have been reset" and other errors.    WELL TODAY I AM GOING TO TEACH YOU HOW TO PREVENT IT. (This works for every rank reset.)   Okay, so you know how you get to a really high level on deathrun, or zombies or even stock? Well there is a file saved locally in to your cod4 folders that actually has your level on it. This file is called "mpdata" and I will teach you how to restore your old one.     STEP 1. Navigate to your cod4 root directory.     Don't worry if you don't have all the same folders as me, this is because I have the mod tools installed.   STEP 2.  Depending on what gamemode you are trying to save from losing your rank. Navigate to that place.   DON'T WORRY IF YOU SEE AN "mpdata.corrupt" just ignore it and carry on to step 3.   STEP 3. After you finish playing, I advise you to BACK UP this file by copying and pasting it elsewhere outside of your cod4 folder where you will be able to find it should anything happen to your rank.   For example, if you are rank 68 (or any level, it's up to you) on Raid-gaming deathrun, you will want to make a copy of your mpdata just in case something goes wrong.    Because of backing up this file, if you then lost your rank, all you have to do is find the back up that you have created and copypaste it back to where you backed it up from. HOWEVER, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT, attempt to put mpdata from one mod in to another thinking it will make you the same rank on that server, this will completely screw over your rank and you could be reset.       So in summary, locate the mod you want to back up in your profile name folder, open the mod folder and copypaste the mpdata to somewhere outside your cod4. A smart thing to do would be to create a folder somewhere outside of cod4 with the name of the mod, so you know which mod the mpdata inside is for. If you then lose your rank, all you have to do is copypaste this mpdata back in to your profile/mods/modname.     THIS WILL SAVE YOU AND THE ADMINS OF RAID A LOT OF TIME AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO WAIT TO RESTORE YOUR RANK, IT IS DIY.     PS. BACK THIS UP OFTEN, IF YOU GAIN A RANK AFTER BACKING UP THIS FILE, YOUR OLD RANK WILL STILL BE THE SAVED ONE IN THE BACKUP.
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