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I'm a noob when it comes to arrays (and a lot of other stuff, but I still don't understand arrays). I need two brushes to be move up, then 3 brushes to move down, and i need it on a loop. So I figured an array would be the best bet, and it's a good opportunity for me to learn arrays :) Thank you :D


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No need for an array. Just select all the brushes you want to move collectively and make them a brush model. The just do getEnt as they all count as one entity when given the same targetname.


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No need for an array. Just select all the brushes you want to move collectively and make them a brush model. The just do getEnt as they all count as one entity when given the same targetname.

I'm so brain dead. This is what I normally do but I'm just being dumb now. ThanksĀ  :dave:


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